
Four mockups for Servpro ad with PGA logo

Rev 1 - Logo at bottom right
Rev 2 - Logo elements incorporated into header
Rev 3 - Logo elements at bottom, above footer
Rev 4 - PGA logo used as header


The files provided used two different Servpro logos, both apparently approved for use:

So the usage would look like this:

I did the mockups using the basic logo provided for the header and the PGA version where the PGA section appears. These elements can be brought into line using one standard Servpro orange logo.

graphics formats

The PSD file provided was not suitable for print. It would have distorted the graphic elements. I transfered everything over to a vector drawing app (Illustrator) and re-created the ad.

I have generated pprint files in two formats, EPS and print-quality PDF. The AI files are also available if those are useful.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mark Chandler

Created By
Mark Chandler

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