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Difficulties with online on-boarding By: Samantha Zenobio

Since the recent COVID-19 outbreak, companies have had to change how their employees are working. Most of these large companies have moved to online platforms, working completely from home.

Many employees aren't a fan of these online platforms, especially potential new employees who will be required to do their on-boarding, or employee training, online.

A lot of employees are having tons of doubt about this process because they won't get the initial experience they would have if they were in the office.

One person who I had interviewed about this experience was Meredith Gallo. Meredith Gallo was graduating from the University of Richmond this spring and was getting ready to start at Bloomberg this July.

Bloomberg is a privately held financial, software, data, and media company. Because one of their main focuses is that they are a software and data company, this might be very hard to teach online to employees who have never learned this information before.

Meredith has heard information from her company that their training might be held online, but she isn't sure if this training will be in person or online. Companies are doing their best to update their employees but they are trying not to release too much information too early which might stress employees.

"While I initially didn't think this would be this bad of a thing, I am now concerned for numerous reasons. The first being that the first initial on-boarding process is where you get to meet your colleagues and starting class and begin to build relationships..."

Meredith is stressed about the thought that her training might be online causing her to not meet fellow employees. The first few weeks are supposed to be the time where employees can create relationships, but if you're home you're not able to do that.

Meredith's home working space.

Meredith recently moved back home from Richmond, Virginia because she was forced to leave her apartment. This move was a stressful thought because she knows that if she starts work online, it will be stressful considering she lives with 4 other people, making the house pretty loud.

Telecommunicating has became increasingly more popular since the COVID-19 outbreak because employees need to still do their job but are unable to go to their offices. The hopes are that employees can potentially go back to their offices soon and function more normally.