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The Brave weekly May 4, 2021

Boise Schools to Hold Limited, In-Person Graduation Ceremonies

Update provided by BSD Public Affairs (April 28, 2021)

The Boise School District is excited to announce that plans for limited, in-person graduation ceremonies for Boise High School, Borah High School, Capital High School and Timberline High School have been approved by ExtraMile Arena, Central District Health and the City of Boise.

To honor the requests of students and families for a more traditional graduation ceremony and to provide an event that allows the entire graduating class to attend together, each student will be allowed to bring up to four guests. All attendees will be required to wear masks and graduates and guests in pods will be assigned socially distanced seating. The safety precautions will allow Boise Schools to hold the event indoors, preventing any last minute changes due to weather. Links to a free, live video stream of each graduation will be provided at least one week prior to the event.

All students and student guests will be assigned seats through TicketMaster. More information on ticketing will be provided when it becomes available.

covid-19 corner

from the boise school district administration:

With students age 16 & older now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, we want to provide you with the following information. COVID Vaccine Resources for High School Students (age 16+):

Here is a list of COVID-19 vaccine providers in the area.

Covid-19 illness decision tree:

Covid-19 Exposure Decision Tree:

Boise School District Link to Covid-19 information and Resources:

central district health's covid-19 information website:



Mr. Chehey's boise high college & Career center google site, loaded with information and resources for Boise Brave parents and students- click button below:


ALL SENIORS should complete the "Senior Exit Survey/Questionnaire" about their post-Boise High plans. It has been distributed/posted in all English 12 and American Govt classes. Here is the link: [and must be filled out by the student, not a parent]. Thanks for helping us collect this important information.


SAT scores for juniors who took the exam on April 13th should be available starting May 5th, in the student's CollegeBoard account.

Upcoming "SAT/ACT Boot Camps" and/or additional college counseling --

Class of 2022! CollegeBoard Opportunity Scholarship Program --

Students and parents, check out Scoir for college search and planning. Click button below:


Upcoming "SAT/ACT Boot Camps" and/or additional college counseling --

Idaho Syringa Girls State -- -- and HOBY - [Leadership Seminar] Idaho -- NEW! This year's Girls State will be virtual this summer. The dates will remain June 13-18, with the sessions conducted primarily in the afternoon. Students will receive a schedule as we get closer to the beginning of the session. Applicants will complete the registration steps outlined at the Girls State link: Cost for the virtual session is $100.00. If your students have any questions or need help with this they may contact: Email, Phone no. 208-559-3477

Check out this link/article:

all students

summer JOBS! -

** Be sure to check out the JOBS BOARD outside Mr. Chehey's office, 402, for upcoming part- and full-time summer work!

Virtual Summer Design Days at University of Idaho, June 24-25. Register here.

Harvard International Relations Scholars Program -- The top program for high school students around the world interested in international relations. Admitted students will learn from workshops led by Harvard professors and experienced policymakers, government officials, and regional experts.

"High School Grades Could Be Worth $100,000. Time to Tell Your Child?" -- article from NYTimes about Merit Aid:

Very good video/webinar on Navigating Financial Aid Offers CLICK HERE or visit

ap exam info

Mr. Chehey would like to remind all AP test-takers [and parents] about the following items:

  • Be sure to check the testing schedule on your CollegeBoard account or with your teacher so you are clear on the exact date and time for the exam
  • Be on time, if not a bit early this year! Due to social distancing, it would be great to show up with plenty of time to spare to find your desk, get pencils sharpened, have all supplies and settle in, masked up of course, so that things can go smoothly.
  • The morning exams will all start at 7:45a, every day, so that means NO LATE START on Mondays for AP exams. Repeat: NO LATE START! If you show up at 8:20, the test will already be 30 minutes in and you will not be able to take it.
  • Afternoon tests always start immediately after lunch, so the very beginning of 5th period. Again, don't roll in tardy from lunch on an AP exam day or you're likely to miss out.
  • Afternoon tests can also go beyond 3:10, so sports, jobs, bussing, appointments, family commitment, etc., must be thought through well ahead of time. You are not allowed to leave until the entire exam time has concluded.
  • That also applies to PTLs, other appointments, tech or off-campus classes, etc. You must stay for the entirety of the AP exam.
  • Back to supplies -- be sure to bring your own #2 pencils [preferably sharpened ahead of time], all exams also require a black or dark blue ballpoint ink pen, bring a calculator [w/ spare batteries] for math/science, and a water bottle and a sweatshirt if you want. No mechanical pencils, cell phones, earbuds, backpacks, smartwatches, scratch paper, books, highlighters, etc. are allowed.
  • The vast majority of tests are in the Tech Building gym, but there are a few additional locations. Again, check with your teacher or read the signs if your exam is being given elsewhere.
  • Get good rest and eat a good breakfast on exam days -- and good luck with testing!

AP testing schedule: or click HERE.

AP exam online review sessions: or click HERE.

AP EXAMS will be held in-person, paper/pencil, during Admin 1 -- May 3rd thru 17th. See the schedule here: or AP Exam Schedule HERE. All students taking tests should log into their Advanced Opportunity account to request Fast Forward funds to cover the $95 exam fee(s).

Upcoming college fairs:

Tues, May 18, 6pm University of Chicago, Virtual college info session for students and parents -- No registration from students necessary. Link:

Virtual career events

Idaho Conservation Corps is now accepting applications for their Young Adult Camping Programs at

Thank you, David J. Chehey, M.A., LPC, College/Career Counselor, BOISE HIGH SCHOOL, 208.854.4285 (phone), 208.854.4367 [fax],

-follow "BoiseHigh College" on Instagram



If you are parents that are New to Boise High or the Boise School District and have never activated Infinite Campus please follow the links below:


1. Email to gain an activation code

2. Then go to Infinite Campus Portal button or

Click on: Campus Parent then New User at the bottom and follow the directions.

3. Copy and paste the activation code sent to you and submit

4. You will then be prompted to create your own login & password

PARENTS - If you have moved or plan on moving ,please contact and provide a proof of new address (ie: gas or power bill) before any changes are made to your student's IC account.

You may be asked to fill out Open Enrollment and Continuation forms if you move out of Boise High Boundaries. Below (click link) is the Boundary Locator which is a great tool if you are planning to move and verifies all the boundaries in the district.

STUDENTS - if you have forgotten your Infinite Campus password , please contact If the student error message says "Account Disabled" call the Help Desk at 208-854-6670.


Brave Together: News from the Counseling Office

Articles and Podcasts

Resources from the Center for Racial Justice in Education: a compilation of resources for talking about Race, Racism and Racialized Violence with Kids

Article: How to Help When Your Teen Gets Frustrated with School Work -

Some important strategies as we continue with in-person learning. Article: 5 Strategies for Emotional Wellbeing

A Great Resource: Teen Health and Wellness "Teen Health & Wellness provides middle and high school students with nonjudgmental, straightforward, curricular and self-help support, aligned to state, national, and provincial standards. Topics include diseases, drugs and alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide and bullying, green living, LGBTQ issues, and more.

All content in Teen Health & Wellness is created for teens with their unique concerns and perspective in mind. Information throughout is presented using a sensitive, respectful, and age-appropriate approach. Teen-friendly articles make complex topics understandable. They also give insight into the teen experience—crucial for parents, teachers, librarians, therapists, and others who are a part of teens’ lives and support them."

Check out this podcast series: The Happiness Lab. Dr. Laurie Santos is a Yale professor that shares the latest scientific research that will alter the way you think about happiness.

summer school

It's time to sign up for Summer School! Traditional Summer School will be held online this year. Here is the link for more information: BSD Summer Programs 2021 In-person summer school classes are available for credit recovery (if a class has been failed). BHS counselors will be working to register students who qualify for this program.

Please contact your counselor if you have any questions!

  • Dayna Showalter (A-E)
  • Angel Robison (Fi-Le)
  • Marcy Thompson (Li-Re)
  • Laura Mundy (Rh-Z)
  • (Counselors are assigned by students' last names)

information you need

2020 - 2021 Yearbooks will be distributed may 14!

Parents can still order a yearbook at this SITE. Order one now so that there will be one waiting for your student on distribution day!

Boise high student newspaper - BoiseHighlights:

senior news corner


Class of 2021 & Parents!

SENIORS *Please log into your Destiny account to see if you have any outstanding fines - (even those that may be from your JR High days that are attached to your account may still need to be cleared). Instructions on how to clear those fines is in postcard below:

Senior Information Postcard

Thank you for being patient through this rough process!

Your Graduation announcements and/or accessories that you ordered are available for pick up in the ASB office. Please stop by and get them as soon as possible!!

NOTE: Your cap & gown orders are not included they will be available May 14th!

senior Formal Farewell Party - May 22, 2021:

senior graduation party - get your tickets!


Pick up your Yard Sign in the ASB office!

2021 high school graduation dates:

Librarian Mrs. Rush has created a go-to written instruction doc and video tutorial on how to transfer files from a student's school account to a personal account. Click HERE for the info. Please remember to complete this process BEFORE Aug 1.

Thank you for your donations to the Senior Formal Farewell Party

we REACHED our goal!

Thank you for supporting our amazing and resilient Senior Class - we appreciate you!

** this week **

Free Ice Cream Student Skit Show Performance!

Free Ice Cream is back and better than ever! Free Ice Cream is an annual, skit-comedy show written, acted, and directed by Boise High students! And yes, there will be free ice cream too!

Come on down May 6-7 outside the Micro Theatre Building at Boise High, or May 8 at the JUMP outdoor amphitheater! The show will start at 7 and go to ~8:30 PM!

Social distancing and masks will be required! The shows will be held outdoors so please bring low-rise lawn chairs or picnic blankets.

Ticket price will be determined via dice roll directly before the show! Concessions and donation jars will be available so make sure to bring some extra cash!

Seating is limited, so reservations are recommended; please email to reserve you (and your friend’s) spot!

Have any questions? Check out our FAQ and poster, posted on our Instagram page: @boisehightheatre

We hope to see you there!

final bow for the Washington Street Players last week - well done!

boise high senior orchestra spring 2021

Photo Credit: Joan Wong

CW Moore art Show in Boise

featuring boise high photography students and Mr. o'mahony this spring

From BHS Photography Teacher Jerry O'Mahony: The CW Moore show is in it's 4th year. It is a 3 month show and gives students an opportunity to experience their work in front of the public. Robert Vestal has been instrumental in helping us! He donated a printer early on and liked our work. Our art faculty helped jury the work this year and I am grateful for their time. There are two professional artists displayed as well, impressive work...I can't imagine anybody coming away without appreciation.

To see the photos displayed in the art show, click HERE.

If you find yourself down that way, stop and take a look! The show in the hallway as you enter the CW Moore building, 250 S 5th St. Boise 83702

boise high photography, CW Moore Art Show Boise


boise high girls basketball program opportunities

Boise High Girls Basketball
  • Boise High Girls Basketball Spring Open Gyms Schedule HERE, now through May 20
  • BRAVE girls basketball Summer Camp! Brochure available HERE.

boise high volleyball program opportunities

For Volleyball Summer League and Open Gym information, please visit this website:



Support Boise High Volleyball May 4 for a Fundraiser Night at Cafe Zupas:

congratulations nicola Myers!

Congratulations to BoiseHigh student Nicola on being selected as a winner in the @NYTimesLearning & @Society4Science STEM Writing Contest! Out of 3,641 entries, only 12 are selected as winners! Click HERE to read Nicola's winning essay: And The Grammy Goes to ... Fin-Whales?

The New York Times Learning Network 2021 STEM Writing Contest. In its second year, the STEM Writing Contest invited teenagers from all over the world to choose an issue or question in science, technology, engineering, math or health, using Science News and New York Times science section resources, and then write an engaging 500-word explanation that would be understood by scientists and nonscientists alike. The winners will have their essays published in The New York Times. Click HERE for the link to this year's winners.

way to go nicola!

boise high athletic training services

Boise High Athletic Training Services website:

Please visit the Boise High Athletic Training Services website HERE for information on our Safe Sports School distinction, Physicals, Sportsware Forms, Concussion, and more!

Athletic physical information for incoming Freshman and Juniors 2021-2022:

Click HERE for the direct link to the Physical Form

Nikki Clark Vega, MPE, LAT, ATC

Do you know about Voice in Sport?

The VIS - Voice in Sport - community is here to support and inspire female athletes during their journey in sport and provide them a platform to use their voice to advocate for change. Click HERE to learn more about the organization. Click HERE to read about a recent advocacy event.

way to go brave hockey players

Elan Forde and Bryn Haugen!

Congratulations Elan Forde (Boise High Jr) and Bryn Haugen (North 9th). These Boise High Hockey players were a part of only the 2nd team that Idaho has ever sent to Nationals. They competed last week and took 3rd in the nation! Way to go Brave Hockey players!

well done!

track and field

congratulations Brave Track Athletes and coaches on a great meet Friday night at rocky mountain!

  • Girls Varsity: Boise 95 - Rocky Mountain 37
  • Boys Varsity: Boise 48.5 - Rocky Mountain 92.5

congratulations to this year's senior track athletes!


For photos, schedule and recaps by Coach & Photographer Michael Najera, click HERE.

For results of the meet, click HERE.

Boise City Meet is this week on Thursday May 6, at Bishop Kelly 4:30PM

GO brave TRACK & Field!

Follow us on Social Media: Instagram @boisetrack and Twitter @BoiseTF

boise brave girls lacrosse


Varsity girls played Bishop Kelly on our home field, BAC on Tuesday, April 27, and Mt. View at the BAC on Thursday, April 29.

  • 4/27/21 : Boise 21 - BK 3 Win
  • 4/29/21 : Boise 15 - Mt View 1 Win

The BHS Varsity Girls Lacrosse Team finished off one of their toughest competitors, Mountain View, with a 15-1 drubbing to finish the regular season with a perfect record of 10-0. They go into the playoffs as the league favorites to play in the State Championship on May 15th at the College of Idaho.


The BHS JV Girls suffered a tough lose at the hands of Mountain View's JV squad 4-5. JV finishes the regular season with a winning record of 8-3, and go into the JV playoffs in an underdog position. However, remember, they play their best when their backs are against the wall!


celebrate seniors!

Gracie Maulik #54 (middie) ♦️ Anna Melvin #22 (middie) ♦️ Kali Ronhovdee #55 (attack) ♦️ Anna Kreipl #34 (goalie) ♦️ Talia LaForte #26 JV

We are selling Brave face masks for $5 a piece, so come on down, show your support and celebrate safely!"



brave girls lacrosse photos

varsity vs BK & Mt View

First 10 photos from Boise vs Mt View, last 3 photos from Boise vs BK

JV vs BK & Mt view

First 4 photos from JV Boise vs BK, last 4 photos from JV Boise vs Mt View


varsity boys lacrosse

Brave 20 - Centennial 5

The Brave Varsity rebounded to 5-2 on the season after losing to Rocky Mountain with an impressive win last week over Centennial. It was Senior Night, and the (14) seniors were recognized before the game. The game had dominant performances led by Cole Germino (5 goals) and Linden Beck (4 goals). Additional scoring came from Peter Schiess (2), Nick Kreipl (2), Ryan Walther (2), Willem Baldiga (1), Walker Coyle (1), Carson Nilson (1), Ty Stock (1), and long-stick defenseman Jack Miller (1). The Brave were cheered on by a vibrant student section, and ended up winning 20-5.

congrats SENIORs!

Varsity is facing a big re-match this week against BK, please come out and support your Brave- wear RED!!

Next Game: 7:30 @ BK- Come out and support your Brave- wear RED!

JV boys Lacrosse

Boise 18 - Centrennial 5

Despite having to work with a shortened team roster (especially on defense) due to injuries, Boise came out strong and played hard. By the second quarter they had landed a decisive lead against Centennial that continued through the end of the game. Goals were scored by Hank Songer (5), Chas Mulcahy (4), Henry Baldiga (3), Gage Cochrane (2), Max Hall (2), Fisher Anderson (1), and Thomas Blatz (1). Boise won 76% of face-offs and 74% of all ground balls. Goalie James Welcker had 7 saves.

Next Game: Double Header JV @ Bishop Kelly 5:30

For more pictures and information please follow us on Instagram at Boisehighboyslax or Facebook at Boise High Boys Lax


photos: the brave vs Rocky Mtn

brave softball

BRAVE Baseball


Week of April 26-31:

Vs. Eagle: Nothing came easy for Boise Brave Varsity on Thursday, as they fell 11-1 to Eagle. Brock Peterson, Evan Brown, and Jack Burnett all had one hit to lead Boise Brave Varsity.

Vs. Meridian: Bats were blistered as Boise Brave Varsity defeated Meridian 17-11 on Tuesday. Boise Brave Varsity pulled away for good with seven runs in the fourth inning. In the fourth Cooper Nixon singled on a 1-2 count, scoring one run, Dax Coburn drew a walk, scoring one run, Cosmo Lange drew a walk, scoring one run, an error scored two runs for Boise Brave Varsity, Hatcher Hild singled on the first pitch of the at bat, scoring one run, and Jack Burnett doubled on a 1-0 count, scoring one run. Coburn got the win for Boise Brave Varsity. Coburn went four innings, allowing nine runs on six hits and striking out five. Drew Beckett threw three innings in relief out of the bullpen. Boise Brave Varsity smacked one home run on the day. Hild put one out in the sixth inning. Boise Brave Varsity totaled 12 hits in the game. Burnett, Myles Erickson, Evan Brown, and Hild all managed multiple hits for Boise Brave Varsity. Burnett went 3-for-4 at the plate to lead Boise Brave Varsity in hits.

congrats SENIORS!

Luke Pabst .♦️. Jack Burnett .♦️. Malcolm Hodson .♦️. Brody Lenz .♦️. Isaac Newberry .♦️. Drew Beckett .♦️. Wyeth Semple

baseball schedule

We have a full schedule planned. Each player will be allowed 4 fans per game to watch the games live.

Stay Safe/Healthy,

Boise BRAVE Baseball

brave tennis


This past week was a huge week for the Boise Brave Tennis Team!

On Tuesday the Brave played host to Mountain View for Senior Night, and what a sendoff we had. We were excited to honor the following seniors for their hard work this year and many years prior:

  • Pete Bard - 3 Year Varsity Letter Winner
  • Isabelle Chang - 1 Year Varsity Letter WInner
  • Allison Gabelman - 1 Year Varsity Letter Winner
  • Kent Knothe - 4 Year Varsity Letter Winner
  • Sophia Mullin - 4 Year Varsity Letter Winner and 2019 Mixed Doubles Third Place
  • Anna Matthews - 4 Year Varsity Letter Winner and 2019 Girls Doubles State Champ!
Varsity Senior Recognition

The Brave ended up sweeping the Mavericks for a 12-0 win! The match of the night was at Mixed #1 doubles, as Pete Bard and Caroline Turcke combined for a 3 set win against the second ranked mixed doubles team in the district.

On Thursday the Brave hosted Timberline in a battle of unbeaten teams in the regular season finale. The tension was palpable as both teams wanted this win badly. Boise came out and played their best match of the season. We ran away with a 9-3 win as yells of "Let's Go Boise!" rang throughout the evening. Highlights included:

  • JJ Byrne with a dominant 6-0, 6-1 win at #1 Boys Singles.
  • Ella Piron and Katie Turcke with straight set wins at #1 and #2 Girls singles.
  • Anna Matthews and Sophie Copple wrapped up their undefeated regular season with a big win at #1 girls doubles.
  • Isabelle Chang and Lauren Gee were unstoppable with a 6-0, 6-1 win at #2 doubles.

Both Boys Doubles teams played their best matches of the season and seem to be peaking at the right time. Kent Knothe and Luke Burriesci teamed up at #1, while Eddie Ormseth and Luke Neely played #2. Both teams should be a force to be reckoned with at districts.

Mixed once again was where the Brave shined under pressure. Callan Jones and Sophia teamed up at #2 in a 3 set win. They battled back after losing the second set with confidence to get the win.

The match of the night went to Pete Bard and Tessa Staley at #1 mixed doubles. They won their match 6-4, 6-7(7), 7-6(3). The score doesn't tell the story though. Pete and Tessa were down in the 3rd set 2-5, 0-40. They were facing 3 match points! They battled back for an epic comeback win with the team storming the court after the victory.

This week the Brave Tennis Team has a week off before the district tournament begins on Monday. We are excited for the post season to begin and are expecting big things over the following few weeks.

Varsity Team after playing Timberline

JV Tennis

The JV tennis team capped off their undefeated season by beating Timberline 10-2. All nine of the graduating seniors won their match and we had several matches go to a tiebreaker and we were able to win 4 of those matches! Our JV season concludes Saturday May 8th with the District tournament.

11th Match vs Timberline

congrats seniors!

JV Senior Recognition

brave golf

Boys Golf

Wednesday 4/28. Congratulations to the boys varsity golf team for their second place finish and the boys JV for their first place finish at quail hollow golf course. Jonas Habig led all golfers with his score of 35. Good job boys!!

girls golf

Monday 4/26. Congrats to the girls Varsity and JV squads for their victory of Skyview, Eagle and Kuna at Falcon Crest golf course. The low score medalist for the Brave was Kate Stacey with a score of 37!! Way to go ladies!!

Way to go golf teams!!

Recap for Golf Spring Season to Date

  • -March 9th, Boys won at Centennial
  • -March 15th, Boys took second at Banbury
  • -March 16th, The varsity girls took second at the Nampa Invitational.
  • -March 30th, Girls won the match
  • -April 8th, Girls won the match
  • -April 12th, Girls won the match
  • -April 12, Boys won at Quail
  • -April 19, Girls won the match at Lakeview golf course
  • -April 20 & 21, Girls and Boys took 2nd place at the Capital Invite
  • -April 26, Girls Varsity & JV won the match at Falcon Crest
  • -April 28, Boys Varsity took second, JV took first at Quail Hollow

Boys Varsity Golf Schedule

girls varsity golf schedule

which office do you need at boise high?

Main office Tina Wayman is the Administrative Assistant to Principal Robb Thompson and does most of the Communication for the school. Daily announcements are posted on our Boise High Website. Each week you will receive an email with the Brave Weekly on Tuesdays with school information and updates as well, created by our wonderful Brave Booster Club. Every quarter we create a Newsletter [] to highlight important upcoming information about school, what is happening with our clubs, activities, sports, academics, etc. Driver's Education forms can also be found at the Main Office. Please dial 208-854-4270 on the mainline to speak with Tina, leave a message for a teacher, or if you have general questions. She can also be reached by email at: *For phone calls regarding Attendance or the Counselors, please see information below.

Nurse Our Nurse is Chanel Johnson and she can be reached at 208-854-5692 or by email:

Attendance Amber Rivera is our Administrative Assistant for Attendance and the Vice Principals. Please call her for absences, Permission To Leave (PTL's), Independent Student forms, scheduling with Vice Principals, lost and found, or for Attendance Policy ( She can be reached directly at 208-854-4274 or on the mainline at 208-854-4270, option 1. Email: amber.rivera@

ASB Becky Fordham runs the ASB Office. There you can pay for student fees and activities, purchase brave gear and yearbooks. She is also available to answer questions about the Boise Webstore []. Becky can be reached at 208-854-4291. Email: becky.

College/career Counselor David Chehey runs the College/Career Counseling Center [Room 402]. David assists students with college planning, financial aid, scholarships and job/career readiness. He is also the testing coordinator for the PSAT, SAT, and AP Exams. Please see his website [] for further information. He can be reached at 208-854-4285. Email:

Counselors Kathy Leasure is the Administrative Assistant for the Counselors. To set up appointments with counselors, questions about student schedules, and for enrollment verifications (V.O.C.'s), please call her directly at 208-854-4283 or on the main line 208-854-4270, option 2. For mental health and parenting resources, please see the counseling website[]. Email:

Registrar Michele Tinker is Boise High's Registrar. She can help with Infinite Campus Parent Portal resets, Transcripts from the current year, Graduation Cap/Gown Information, and change of Address/Family Information. Michele can be reached at 208-854-4288. Email: michele.tinker@boiseschools. org

Sports Medicine/Athletic Training is led by Nikki Clark-Vega, MPE, LAT, ATC. She can help with SportsWare, Physicals, Athletic Injuries, and more. Nikki is in Room 108C, and can be reached at 208-854-4304, Fax 208-854-4365. Email:

Busing Info Durham School Services Bus Contractor 208-854-5230

2020-2021 boise high final exam schedule


brave weekly submissions:

If you would like to include a submission for this newsletter, please email to with topic, week to publish, and details to be included.


Created with images by CDC - "This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)." • PredragKezic - "public library new york manhattan" • Bessi - "flower lily lilium candidum" • PDPics - "truth newspaper news" • ds_30 - "usb technology white" • TheAngryTeddy - "keyboard keys hardware" • fietzfotos - "nature waters sky" • JimmyDominico - "whale shark shark aquarium" • JillWellington - "ice hockey youth winter" • HeungSoon - "golf golf ball sport"
