It is almost time for Thanksgiving which means it is time to forget the diet and enjoy some tasty food with your family! Why stop there? Celebrate with your friends too! I'm sure we have all seen Thanksgiving episodes of our favorite shows such as New Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and the most iconic of them all, Friends. Friendsgiving can be with coworkers, close friends, or you can even reach out and make new friends as well! If that sounds fun to you, here are some ideas for how you can host your own Friendsgiving!
3. In between cooking or after Friendsgiving, it is always fun to play a game or maybe you'd like to watch football. Either way, an activity with friends is a good idea when hosting.
Fun games to play with lots of people:
- Scattegories
- Card Games (ex. B.S., Rummy, Slapjack, Go Fish)
- Charades
- Taboo
If you don't have a lot of games, check out local thrift stores for more options to play.
5. Maybe you've already had Thanksgiving with your family, and you can't take any more turkey. Break away from traditional Thanksgiving meals and get creative! Consider having a charcuterie board party, a make-your-own pizza party, or another type of party that incorporates everyone's favorite foods. A classic idea would be a potluck where everyone can bring their best dish.
Created with images by hudsoncrafted - "thankful from above table setting" • JillWellington - "cupcakes autumn leaves" • katjasv - "cover plate cutlery" • ThorstenF - "gambling contest poker" • jrydertr - "candle flame bokeh"