Are you seeking new psychic predictions and prophecy and finding the media and psychic chat owners are playing it safe by only predicting what is in the current news trends?
The latest events that are already in our news, like what's going to happen to Donald Trump? Brexit? Mark Zuckerberg? These are public figures and political events already in the news and anyone can have an educated guess about what is going to happen with a good chance of it being correct. Will Trump be impeached or won't he? You have a 50/50 chance of getting it right.
This is why clickbait psychic predictors stick to what is already in the news. The chances are good that they'll probably get some right.
Who is Creating Clickbait Psychic Predictions and Why?
First you need to understand why clickbait psychic predictions and spiritual prophecy is being published. Here are some of the reasons:
- Celebrity psychics who are trying to gain public trust and build up reputations in the media to attract new clients, are lining up to compete with each other.
- Media outlets are renowned for jumping on the psychic prediction bandwagon because it increases their online ratings or do paid prediction advertorials which redirect you to website.
- Psyops (Psychological Operations) set up by countries to stop embarrassing political predictions being found on the world wide web. Yes they exist. They work in unison with disinformation actors on social media. North Korea, Russia, Israel, United States and other countries use Psyops.
- Psychic Chat owners who want to cover every base will stop at nothing to trick you into coming into their websites - especially spam phishing websites, to collect and onsell your personal data.
- Fake psychics use psychic predictions to fool you into thinking they have real psychic abilities.
- Bullet pointed psychic predictions that cover every natural disaster, every global location and every newsworthy event, is just like having a finger in every pie. These are done by hired digital marketing companies responsible for social media engagement, at the request of celebrity psychics or psychic radio hosts and tv presenters.
- Psychologists, life coaches, hypnotists who pretend to be psychic to blend in with the Mind Body Spirit community, targeting clients to do their network marketing (pyramid scheme) courses.
Why Psychic Predictions & Spiritual Prophecy Are Taking a Bad Rap?
Psychic predictions and spiritual prophecy are taking a bad rap, because of clickbait predictions on YouTube, forums and websites which highlight fake psychic abilities in a banal rush to the bottom.
My Spiritual History and Reluctance to Channel Spiritual Prophecy
As a young psychic child I regularly saw spiritual visions and communicated with my higher guardians. Ever since, I have not known a life without spiritual experiences. When I came to realise how exploited the spiritual arts had become, I was shocked and horrified.
Celebrity psychic predictions were a complete turn off to me. I didn't want to read about them and I most certainly didn't want anything to do with celebrity psychic nonsense.
However, because of the crucial times we are now living in, my spiritual guardians had a different path for me to follow. They knew my reluctance to enter the world of psychic predictions but convinced me that it was the right thing to do by showing me angelic visions of Earth Changes. I now know that what I was seeing was the effects of climate change.
How is it that our beautiful world is under so much threat? My spiritual guardians made absolutely sure they expressed to me just how serious the threat to life on our planet had become and why it has been ignored for so long.
Every year I have been given a spiritual message for the world, to help identify the underlying causes, what needs to be done and how fast we need to do it. I have also had visions about the deceptive individuals who have ignored science warnings and knowingly put all of our lives at risk.
Some Final Tips: How to avoid clickbait psychic websites
- Before clicking any psychic prediction websites, do a general search to find out what people are saying. Also check their professional background, i.e. are they a hypnotist or a life coach pretending to be psychic. If your general search brings up the terms NLP, hypnotherapy, psychologist or life-coach - they are not psychic.
- Refer to above mentioned tips on who is creating clickbait psychic predictions. Run through all of the categories listed and firstly establish that the predictions are not based on news headlines.
- A psychic can be considered to be a trusted source if they go out on a limb with unique prophecy and have built their reputation demonstrating the credible spiritual arts, rather than entertainment fluffery.
- If you are a keen psychic prediction follower, take the time to research and rule out the conspiracy websites, the dead mystics and prophets who are pulled out every year by the media; the fake psychics throwing their hats into the ring of prediction frenzy and jumping on the current news bandwagon, to boost their SEO and look like they're the real thing.
Australian Vine Psychic is a natural born Seer, born in Melbourne, Victoria. Vine has been working in the spiritual field for over 36 years. Her psychic predictions are revered and trusted all over the world because of their incredible accuracy. To learn more about Vine's heightened senses or to book a phone psychic reading online go to: