
Kenilworth Show & Rodeo September 2017


Show Jumping and Dressage

Side Show Alley

A small sideshow alley for the little ones with Spinning Cups, Jumping Castle and Dodgem Cars

Stall Holders & Entertainment

Hats, belts, candies, emu oil products, soft serve, popcorn and everyones favourite ... coffee

Always something good to purchase


Just rope, throw an' brand 'em ... Rawhide

Rope & Tie , Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Barrel Race, Breakaway Roping

Fire Brigade

The Fire Brigade was there to answer any questions on fire safety


Flower arrangements, knitting, crochet, sewing, baking, photography, quilts and so much more on display

Bucking Bulls & Broncos

Open Bull Ride, Saddle Ride and Bareback Ride

Wood Chopping

I have been to a few shows but this is the first time I have seen log splitting. A chainsaw is used to create 6 posts and a core is left in the middle. Great to watch but bring your ear muffs.

Noah's Farm

The tiny piglets squealed with joy as did the children

Best of Breed for Cattle

Pig Race

This was the last event of the day. Children named the pigs and a draw determined who held ownership for the race. Fun event that the kids thoroughly enjoyed.

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Created By
Maria Noonan

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