Young Life Of Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall was born in Baltimore, Maryland on July 2 1908. Thurgood Marshall was an African American that went to Howard University. His dad was William Marshall, he was a grandson of a slave that worked as a Steward at an executive club. His mom was a normal kindergarten teacher.
Thurgood Marshall's Accomplishments
Some of Thurgood Marshall's accomplishments are: solving the Brown Vs. Board of Education, solving 14/19 cases in his career, and also solved Chambers vs. Florida. Though he is most remembered for Civil Rights Movement and Criminal Procedure, and Thurgood Marshall was in Teamster vs. terry, was a case where the United States Supreme Court held that an action by a employee for a breach of labor union's duty of fair representation entitled him to a jury trial under the seventh amendment.
Thurgood Marshall's Impacts
One of many of things Thurgood Marshall did is he fought for individual and equality for all people. For all that he did, he helped end all of racial segregation and discrimination for all African American's. Thurgood Marshall also impacted on our U.S. Judicial Branch.
Created with images by Ron Cogswell - "'It Seemed Like Reaching for the Moon.' -- Virginia Civil Rights Memorial Richmond (VA) 2012"