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JQH Arena Springfield, Missouri

Springfield, Missouri

(417) 869-7350

“Precast was selected for the exterior of the arena for economical reasons, and the challenge was to create a precast panel that did not look plain on the tall walls. The solution was a textured liner with a pattern intricately laid out to match each adjacent panel. The result was a unique façade that still complements the surrounding architecture and pays tribute to the region.”

Tom Heger, Senior Project Manager - JE Dunn Construction

Missouri State University is no stranger to precast concrete construction. Having numerous precast structures on its main campus in Springfield Missouri, there was little question as to what the main structural and architectural components would be when designing their new 67 million dollar basketball arena.

Architectural wall panels adorned with a cast-in “oak tree bark” finish, wrap the 900 plus precast components that make up the 11,055 seat arena. Over 50 miles of prestressing strand and 275 tons of reinforcing steel were utilized in just the precast elements.

The use of a column and raker beam system, allowed for an open usable space under the spectator seating. The JQH Arena was completed in time for the opening game of the basketball season. Even with the wettest spring on record and uncovering an active artesian well during excavation, the precast structure was completed in 118 days and ahead of schedule.

Architect: Ellerbe Becket

Associate Architect: Pellham Phillips

Construction Manager: JE Dunn Construction


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