How Your Words Affect Others
Chances are, someone you know is a survivor of sexual violence.
If someone in your life is considering sharing something personal with you, they are likely listening to your opinions or attitudes for clues on how you will respond.
A comment or joke based on assumptions or stereotypes might not seem like a big deal, but it could make someone feel unsafe about sharing personal or painful things with you.
For example: “I could never tell her what happened to me. She said if victims of sexual assault don’t go to the police, then it wasn’t serious.”
Every Day Communication
Don’t wait for a critical moment to say the right things. The words you choose every day communicate your values.
When you hear comments that blame victims or make light of sexual violence, speak up so others know you don’t agree.
Even if you don’t have a perfect response, this shows you do not believe in stereotypes, you believe survivors, and you’re a safe person to talk to.
For example: “I don’t think that’s true — I believe people when they say that someone has hurt them.”
Everyday Consent
Sex without consent isn’t sex. It’s sexual assault.
Consent must be freely given. A person must understand what they are agreeing to, and that they can change their mind at any time.
Consent needs to be clear and enthusiastic. The absence of “no” or silence does not mean “yes.”
Past consent does not mean current or future consent.
When drugs and alcohol are involved, clear consent is not possible.
A person who is intoxicated or impaired cannot give consent.
Sexual Pressure
Whether you are in a relationship, dating, or just meeting new people, sexual pressures become an issue, especially in college.
As you try to fit in or find your niche at college, a lot of times you can feel pressured into engaging in behaviors that you're not comfortable with in order to go along with everyone else.
Not all sexual and peer pressures are negative, but it is important to keep in touch with yourself and your needs, as well as keep communication lines open.
If You are Sexually Assaulted
It is important to know, the victim of the crime gets to decide how and if they want to report the crime. For example, the victim of a sexual assault can decide to report the assault to the college but not the Porterville Police Department.
If the victim decides to report the crime to the college only, they will still receive free resources (medical, counseling, assistance from victim rights) even if they do not want to identify the criminal suspect.
If you are in danger or need help now, call 911. If you've experienced sexual violence and are not in immediate danger, find services and get help on campus.
- PC Campus Safety & Security 559-791-2440
- PC Title IX Coordinator 559-791-2457
- PC Counseling 559-791-2329
- PC Wellness Center 559-791-2212
- Porterville Police Department 559-782-7400
- Porterville District Attorney 559-782-9600
- Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-273-7713
- Sierra View Hospital 559-784-1110
Works Cited,,,,,
Created with images by Hatham - "Yin Yang" • Artem Kovalev - "untitled image" • Kristina Flour - "Secret" • Ronny Sison - "Red Dress & Jean Jacket" • Philipp Wüthrich - "untitled image" • Elia Pellegrini - "Rainbow Girl" • Mimi Thian - "untitled image"