What is Adobe?
Adobe was born out of the desire to make and impact and change the world, and John Warnock and Charles Geschke did just that in 1982 when they formed Adobe Systems. Their original business plan involved any thing deemed necessary to for an efficient workflow. The first problem they solved in a major way was enabling universal printing, known in simple terms as post script. Since those days many people have poured heart and soul into creating solutions that enable individuals to focus on their passion without having to struggle with difficult processes and tools that miss the mark. This page is no different, it is designed to be a simple solution for a teacher that just wants to help students develop a vision and obtain their life goals.
To start off, a simple tool that is easy to use, and is FREE to education is Adobe Spark. You can create pages, social media posts, or a web page. These tools make it possible for even the youngest students to excel and have an engaging experience. Available on the web, Mobile, or a tablet you can create anywhere for FREE with Spark. You'll enjoy the easy sharing features and the ability it gives to the students to create content in a digital way that is compliant to laws that govern our countries. It was used to Create this site you are enjoying now.
Sometimes you just want to hear from another teacher. Here are some links to resources from the best teachers for this topic around the globe found on the Adobe Education Exchange.
Premier Rush is an excellent next step for working with video when you just need a few more options. Enjoy this simple video editor made with education in mind.
Professional Development
This FREE online course is aimed at all educators looking to get started using digital storytelling in their classroom. You’ll explore the principles of producing digital stories with Adobe Spark, then apply your new digital skills and create practical digital storytelling projects to use in your curriculum.
This FREE online course is aimed at all educators working in primary, secondary or higher education. Explore the principles of digital storytelling, and how to use Adobe Spark to incorporate engaging digital storytelling projects into your STEAM curriculum.
Adobe Spark empowers anyone to turn ideas into social graphics, web stories, and animated videos in minutes. This brief professional development workshop will get you started right away.
Live Courses via EdEx
This FREE online course is aimed at all educators working in primary, secondary or higher education. Explore the principles of social media design, and how to use Adobe Spark and Adobe Premiere Rush to incorporate social media design projects into your curriculum. Course begins September 29, 2019
This FREE online course is aimed at all educators working in primary, secondary or higher education. Explore the principles of digital storytelling, and how to use Adobe Spark to incorporate engaging digital stories and projects into your Math and Science curriculum. Course Begins October 6, 2019
Created with images by twinquinn84 - "kids playing connected childhood" • Tierney - "E-Learning with man using a laptop in a modern gray chair" • anyaberkut - "businessman participating webinar online, education on internet, e-learning concept"