November marks the start of the mating season for foxes.
Adult foxes are solitary for most of the year, but in the winter months male dog foxes are on the look-out for a vixen. Hoping to attract a female, male foxes howl a sharp triple bark, which you might be able to hear on a winter's night.
Old Man's Beard
Old Man's Beard, with its long, silky hairs, is also known as Traveller's Joy. It is a plant often better recognised in winter, when its fluffy white seedheads stand out against bare shrubs.
The long silky strands remain throughout the winter and ensure that their seed is picked up and dispersed by the wind.
Look out amongst bushes and shrubs for small birds such as the Redwing. This small thrush (the smallest true thrush in the UK) arrives in Britain during October and November to spend the Winter.
Milk Cap Fungus
This family of fungi get their name from the milky sap they exude if they are damaged or broken.
Milk cap fungi are mycorrhizal, meaning that they share a symbiotic relationship with their host plant. The fungi provide their host with water, phosphates, and nitrogen, whilst the host plant feeds the fungi with sugar.
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