The Jacobite rising of 1745-46 is not considered a revolution because it only sought to achieve political change.
This is the uprising of the Charles reign for political power in England. Jacobite translates to James in Latin. The significance of this is that the Absolute Monarchs of England of this time were James, or descendants of him. The James reign was described as the Hanoverian dynasty. The goal was to restore the royal family of Great Britain and Scotland to the Stuart family. Jacobite uprisings began in 1689, but the major push began in 1745. Up to 1745, English and Scottish Jacobites battled with English soldiers over political change in their governments.
In 1745, Prince Charles Edward, or the "Young Pretender", is a member of the Stuart family that wishes to regain the throne of Great Britain. This was such a ripe time for an uprising because England was very focused on other foreign affairs, such as colonization on North America, and trade with Asia. So, Prince Edward now would be the right time to uprise. But, this uprising could not be done alone. He needs the help of Scottish highlanders and English nobility. As he gathers both of their support, all of the pieces were needed to complete the puzzle. Also, the support of Scottish nationalists were quite evident. They were also the ones to elect Prince Charles Edward's father, the "Old Pretender" king of Scotland.
With a Jacobite force ready to force their way into the British throne, they did so in November of 1745. Prince Charles begins by winning battles in northern England, then pushes his way down south. However, the Hanoverians, or the reigning throne of England, won't go sown without a fight. King George II, calls his brother, Duke of Cumberland, to aid with compressing the rebellion. Since this large French force is too powerful for the Jacobites, they retreat back to safety in Scotland.
Next, English forces and the Duke of Cumberland with his forces pursue Jacobites into northern Scotland. The Jacobites can only fend them off for so long, even getting a win at the battle of Falkirk Muir. But, their luck changed, and were ultimately defeated at the Battle of Culloden Moor. This battle proved the last hopes of any Jacobite member. Those Jacobites would did not flee to the western highlands of Scotland were sent to British colonies in North America. The Jacobite initiative was forever diminished.
analysis of the 3 aspects of the uprising
All of the efforts of thus uprising were for political change. As previously stated, the goal was to overthrow the Hanoverian dynasty of Great Britain, and fulfill the Stuart reign. The fuel for this anger actually started in 1603, when the English throne forced Anglican episcopacy's hierarchy on the Scottish Presbyterian Church. This was such a conflict because, this was the moment that the Scottish population lost their trust with the English government, and form the Jacobites. Although the Jacobites did not restore the Stuart family to the throne to their desire, they still had one Stuart as King of Scotland. This seeking for political change is the main reason for this conflict that lasted nearly two decades.
There was no correlation between economic change and the Jacobite rising. This is because the only goal was political change. The Jacobites realized that economics was only useful for paying an army, so it wasn't highly desired since the Jacobites were already fueled by extreme nationalism. Also, these Scottish highlanders were used to being self sufficient, and earning all that they needed. So, they weren't seeking a higher pay because they simply could provide for themselves.
There was no motive in this uprising for any major social change. There was absolutely no mentioning in any f the research compiled that hinted at a social reformation. This could be because they were assuming there life would remain the same after the rebellion, since they were only seeking political change, so they can have their Protestant ideals back. These JAcobites that were fighting realized that their future with or without a new political structure would be the same, they focused on putting all of their trust in Prince Charles.
"THE JACOBITE REBELLION OF 1745." British Heritage Travel. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
"The Jacobite Revolts: Chronology." Historic UK - The History and Heritage Accommodation Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.
"The Jacobite Rebellion of 1755-46." The Jacobite Rebellion of 1755-46. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.