We made it to the end of the school year, families! 🎉
I don't know about you, but it feels like I've been running non-stop since August 31! This school year was so unusual and demanding on so many different levels. As a parent of two middle school aged children and one elementary school aged child, it sometimes felt like my brain was on overdrive trying to help all three with their schoolwork.
Your resilience, determination, involvement & dedication have paid off. Thank you for the time spent nagging your children to do their work, checking in with teachers and staff, volunteering in many capacities, and overcoming this challenging year. I'd love your feedback on this past school year! Please fill out this short survey: https://forms.gle/VPazkxNo2sTXDZRXA
The effects of this pandemic are still being felt. Don't forget that I am always here to help you. If I don't have the answer, I will find someone who does! I can assist with housing issues, filling out applications for assistance, and connecting you and your family with other resources.
I will be away for much-needed time off with family from June 23 to July 5, but my colleague, Mrs. Morales-Koch will be available if you need immediate assistance in my absence. I will also be out of the building from July 15 to July 26, 2021, but I will be available by email at a limited capacity during that time.
You can check the Community School website for even more resources and updates. This newsletter will be sent out monthly beginning August 2021, and you can find the permanent link to it here on the Community School website.
Happy summer – may you have the opportunity to refresh and recharge with your family! Yours, Mrs. Bush
Camp Northeast
Spots are filling fast! The last day to register for Camp Northeast is Friday, June 18! Register here: https://forms.gle/i8jJU3GCmepDJUVd9
Summer Reading Around the World Challenge
Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
Online Application: GetEmergencyBroadband.org
English application: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pn7wFXtMZoW4Syxv4J-F0LBxC90sR16C/view?usp=sharing
En español: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J4nGpUEAb6cZKDeA8FUtCLa3QTBKXchH/view?usp=sharing
Family Information Series
The Northside Network - Lincoln Elementary School, Marvine Elementary School, William Penn Elementary School, and Northeast Middle School - is pleased to provide recordings from our Family Information Series this year.
Summer Meal Distribution
School Every Day
The summer is a great time to have conversations with your child about the importance of going to school on time every day. Getting back into regular routines is going to be hard this fall. Help your child establish healthy and consistent routines now so that the transition back to school is easier for your child – and you! Don't forget: failure of your child to attend school daily could cost you – real dollars, too, because fines of $750 per day absent are a possibility if your child is habitually truant.
📸:: K. Bush & T. Morales-Koch