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Welcome Keynote

Join us in the main livestream room, The Learning Lobby.

9:30- 10:00 am ET: Doors Open - Pre-party

Join the fun and dress up as your inner-artist!

Don't miss this special opportunity to connect, celebrate, and pre-party with the Adobe for Education team and fellow attendees before the Summit.

10:00- 10:30 am ET: Welcome from Around the World

We'll kick off the Summit Pre-conference with inspired talks to foster and celebrate creativity in your classroom. Hear from the global Adobe for Education team on how leading educators are sharing creativity with their students and colleagues.

10:30- 11:00 am ET: Keynote


11:00- 11:50am ET

Select one workshop from agenda below:

Please note all workshops will be recorded and can be accessed by registered attendees after the live presentations.

  • Portrait Editing: How to Create Polished Images that Stand Out using Adobe Spark, Photoshop and Lightroom with Al Thomas
  • Project-Based Learning for Creative Leaders Using Adobe Spark with Sonia Wadhwa
  • Adobe Animate in K12 Education with Matthijs Clasener
  • 3D Visualization and Texturing in Animation Using Adobe Medium, Substance Painter, After Effects with Brian Salisbury
  • Creative Collusion with Adobe Creative Cloud and XD Experience real-time collaboration across XD, Illustrator, and Photoshop with Kevin Brandon and Lukas Engqvist
  • Knowing Onions and Cutting Teeth: Introducing Creative Ad Students to Adobe CC Digital Media Fundamentals with John Delacruz

Lightning Learning with the Leaders

11:55am- 12:40pm ET

Adobe Education Leaders turn up the energy as we learn fast, fun tips from digital media experts. This session is a must-see for new ways to ignite creative energy into your classroom. We'll learn about creating vector graphics, augmented reality, teaching creativity, languages, podcasts, and more!

We'll gather in The Learning Lobby room for all Lightning lessons:

  • Creative Ways of Teaching Languages with Victor González
  • Creating Vector Graphics Using Adobe Illustrator with Mohamed Shaz
  • Bring Engaging Motion Content Created in Animate into AR with Aero on iOS by Joseph Labrecque
  • The value of Creating a Podcast for Educators, and How to Get Started with Abby Guido
  • Leading Creativity in General Education with Arti Chopra


12:45- 1:30 pm ET

Select one workshop from agenda below:

  • Still Life Photography from the Kitchen Table using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop with Hilde Maassen
  • Bend, Blend, and Break: Facilitating Intrinsically Motivated Creativity using Photoshop and Adobe Dimension with Chris Willey
  • How to Foster Impactful Multi-Disciplinary STEAM Projects using Adobe Spark and Photoshop with Matt Dombrowski
  • How to Create a 360-Virtual Reality Gallery for your Students and Community with Adobe XD by Moraima Jacobacci
  • Self-assessment and Modules for Self-defining Curriculum with Learning Platforms by Donna Templeton
  • Adobe Certified Professional: How to Get Started in Achieving Certification with Rosy Capron and Tacy Trowbridge

Creativity Talks

1:35- 3:25 pm ET

We'll share real-life examples for how creative pedagogy is your super power! You'll hear how to lead your colleagues and community through ambitious and inspired projects. We'll explore how creativity can empower students and cultivate compassion.

Join us in The Learning Lobby for all Creativity Talks.

  • Students Learn the Value of Self-promotion by Kenn Shinabery
  • Creativity as an Advocate to Make Change in Under-served Communities with Matt Dombrowski
  • Sharing Lesser-utilized Creative Tools with Students to foster confidence in ability to produce work and an eagerness to perform further explorations, by Joseph Labrecque
  • Fueled by Empathy: How I overcame a learning disability with Andrea Batts-Latson
  • Lessons Learned from Building a Larger-than-life Student Restaurant Project Across the Country with Ryan Bitzegaio
  • Supporting Fellow Educators Through a Training Model to achieve, succeed, and soar with Tasha Burke-Peart
  • Creating Art for Social Good: Students explore topics for real-world impact with Michael Hernandez

3:25- 3:35 pm ET

Creativity from Around the World with Dr. Tim Kitchen and Clara Galan. Education Leaders hailing from Australia and New Zealand will take the stage to share how they create and inspire.

Tandem Collaboration Reveal Party

3:40- 4:25 pm ET

Celebrate creativity with Adobe Education Leaders from around the world! We'll reveal the tandem collaboration Exquisite Corpse project of animation, music, and visual art-- created by educators in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and the US.

Join us in The Learning Lobby for the Reveal Party.

Tandem Collaboration: This surrealist creative process is an exciting exploration of cause, effect, and creative play. We'll hear behind-the-scenes stories-- and how we can use the element of surprise and creative collaboration, to engage students and promote imaginative experimentation. See the 2020 Exquisite Corpse here. Image credits: Georgina Gee Elizabeth, Ross Wallis Cristina Bosio

Tropical Tiki Luau After-Party!

4:30 - 5:00pm ET

Tropical Tiki Luau: Dress in your best tropical prints and grab your tiki drink! We'll reflect on the effective ways educators are leading and inspiring students, colleagues, and community through creativity.

Your Digital Media Pre-conference registration will automatically include access to the July 28-29 free virtual Summit. No need to register for each day separately.

Attendees will receive a certificate for up to 6 hours of professional development learning per day upon completion of sessions and workshop projects. Certificates will be issued after conclusion of the Summit according to hours accrued through sessions.

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Adobe Spark Page by Leona Guidace