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January 2021 @BVNLibrary For the first time ever, we switched semesters during January. Students checked out books, played breakout and completed a photo challenge! Read on to learn more.

Graphic Design-10 Minute Photo Challenge

Students in Dr. Crane and Mrs. Elyachar's Digital Imaging classes studied the work of dance photographer Jordan Matter at the New York Public Library. They completed a similar photo challenge with amazing results!

AVID and Geography

Students in Mrs. Cornell's AVID class and students in all 4 Geography classes played Breakout EDU. Due to mitigation protocols, we found a digital breakout game that students could play in small groups using their computers. There was an overall competition for the group that broke out the fastest!

ELA 10 & Virtual Contemporary Communications

Students in Mrs. Manglos and Mrs. Dalton's ELA classes listened to booktalks from librarians and selected independent reading materials. Every student hears the same message about reading at BVN Library: if you don't like a book in the first 30 pages, stop reading it and let us help you find something better!

Created By
abby cornelius


Created with images by blickpixel - "books knowledge stack" • AhmadArdity - "books bookshelf library"


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