
Helping introverts in business find their voice in an extroverts world.

I believe Introverts have natural, unique abilities to be successful leaders and entrepreneurs, but are often drowned out by a world that predominately values extroverts.

I spent many years knowing that I had great business ideas, but still struggled to find success...

I thought I had to, "step out of my comfort zone," and adopt a more extroverted personality to create the life I wanted...

"Fake it 'til you make it," became my mantra...

Until I realized, there's a better way!

I've been an entrepreneur my whole life. From selling used golf balls back to golfers at the 7th hole (we were trespassing I might add) to renting party equipment and network marketing...being an entrepreneur is in my blood! It wasn't always easy. Being an introvert in this world that seemed to be dominated by extroverts, I often found myself discouraged and having thoughts like, "what's wrong with me?"

Like any good introvert would do, I turned to the books! I was on the search for advice that would "fix" me. This went on for YEARS until I stumbled across the answer in the most unlikely of ways....

Now? I no longer feel like something is wrong with me because of my introverted personality. I no longer fear the crowds or the awkward small talk.

My Process

Once we get to your core and establish a solid foundation, we'll create a clear, step by step plan that you can use to navigate through the challenges you face as an introvert in business.

Hey, we Introverts love planning, right?!

Through exercises and personal consulting I will help you realize what parts of your personality are actually serving you in business, and which aren't. It is my goal to empower your personality so that you no longer feel the need to shrink in the presence of others and will instead carry yourself with pride knowing that you have the GIFT of being an Introvert!

It's time to empower your introvert strengths!

Join a community of introverts.

Learn how to exploit your strengths

Thrive in business WITHOUT being disingenuous

Ready to be at peace with your personality and realize your incredible potential?


Created with images by Skitterphoto - "computer laptop work place" • lukasbieri - "filmmaker youtuber screenwriter" • lholtz1023 - "freedom man spreading arms" • Thought Catalog - "Young person reads poetry book" • Echo Grid - "Green Foliage"

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