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Welcome to the Improv Tantalizers

Consensual & Safe Theatre

What you experience with us on stage

Taking inspiration from relationships and sexuality and a single suggestion from the audience, the Tantalizer’s weave together a gripping tale of emotions, lust, sin, seduction, acceptance and hilarity, entirely created in the moment. No two shows are the same but each one will leave you prying, breathless and thirsty for more.

Everybody wants to be loved and accepted. Everybody feels shame and rejection. No one can imagine what this improvised sex-positive show, titled by the audience, will reveal to themselves. A protagonist emerges and embarks on a fragile journey encountering kinky, strange characters. It is a Fetish world based on trust, lust, pain, loss, gain, respect, humour, love and consent, reminding ourselves that we are all ok the way we are! Outrageous and curious describes every character in this world, as misadventure and misconceptions drag them to their painfully funny ends. You never know where this story goes...but in some way it will tantalize you forever …

Who we are

Improv Tantalizers is an improvisational theatre show-group which focuses solely on themes of sexuality, kink and eroticism. As improv performers we create scenes and short stories using the suggestions of our audience for inspiration. Nothing is scripted or directed. We break taboos by involving all kinds of facets of sexuality, fetishes, kink and relationships, with respect and humour.

Our aspiration and intention

It is our joy to entertain our audience by tantalizing their imagination, yet strive to widen horizons and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community in general, whilst educating our wide audience on fetish and kink misconceptions, as well as inspiring them to explore their own view on human sexuality. It is utmost important to us, to promote issues such as boundaries, safe and consensual sex, with respect and dignity.

Our target audience

Our target audience are people over the age of 18, "vanilla"(conventional sexual desire/behaviour), LGBTQ+, people who explore & live kinks & fetishes as well as generally everyone who dares to find sex an appealing topic and loves to laugh!

Our Accomplishments

Improv Tantalizers was founded in May 2019 and was honoured to present the BDSM film festival 2019 awards ceremony in Munich, and have since hosted our own successful full evening shows, which were completely sold out. We are notorious in creating unique improv shows with a sexy twist whose style und themes, in combination with improvisational theatre, have never been seen before. Mainly through word of mouth, audience-demands have been increasing leaving us an edgy, underground reputation.

Reviews & Testimonials

Wow, what a brilliant show! The Tantalizers are bold, sexy, daring, surprising, and delicious! They tempt your senses, tickle your curiosity, taunt your longing for more…. One show will never be enough, you will be hungry for the next. Let’s hope Lady Lust doesn’t keep us waiting too long! Unleash the sexy Improv Tantalizers! (Dr. Celina Criss,

Never have I seen such a brilliant combination of funny improv, thoughtful sex education and erotic entertainment. A fantastic place to go for a truly unique experience or even take your date. (Tomi)

The Improv was on such a high level, adding a sexy twist to familiar games and playing new, exciting and original games. I loved the "show" elements, especially the live music and the introduction scene.

As a matter of fact I enjoyed it so much, I took off my panties, rushed to the stage waving them. telling the host to use them, when he asked for a hanky, to wipe his brow, after a hot scene ;-) (Suzi Kelly)

Ich durfte die Tantalizer letztes Jahr im Mai bei einem Improv Workshop kennenlernen. Es war mein erster Workshop in der Art und hatte Riesenspaß. Die Truppe ist herzlich, freundlich, witzig, intelligent und versaut. Genau nach meinem Geschmack. :-)

Als ich dann die Möglichkeit hatte, eine Show von ihnen Ende Juli zu sehen, wollte ich mir das natülich nicht entgehen lassen. Es war einer der außergewöhnlichsten Abende bislang für mich und das meine ich im positiven Sinne.

Seit dem Workshop weiß ich, wie schwer es ist, auf der Bühne zu improvisieren. Deshalb fand ich es umso beeindruckender, welche anspruchsvolle und unterhaltsame Show auf die Beine gestellt wurde. Sei es durch die erotischen Kostüme und das sexy Make-up, die Spiele oder die Reaktion auf die Improbegriffe, die vom Publikum vorgegeben wurden. Man merkt den Künstlern jederzeit an, mit welcher Akribität sie das Publikumbestmöglich unterhalten wollen.

Die Location war mit einem Keller, in dem normalerweise u.a. BDSM-Seminare gegeben werden, auch mehr als passend gewählt und hat der Atmosphäre den richtigen Schliff verliehen.

Ich hoffe, dass ich noch mal die Gelegenheit bekommen werde, einer Show beizuwohnen. Ich kann es wirklche jedem empfehlen. Einfach schon alleine aus dem Grund, weil es etwas anderes ist, was ich bis dato noch nicht kannte.

Macht weiter so! (Sebastian)

I love how edgy and original the improv Tantalizers shows are. You are surrounded by the friendliest audience on the planet watching a talented and hilarious cast playing improv with a sexy twist!

The humour is not safe for work, but never crude or distasteful.

Since it is improv you get to shape the show by contributing with suggestions. And if you are feeling adventurous you can volunteer to go on stage to play a scene with the cast.

If you like having unique experiences I can definitely recommend it! (Pedro Catre)

I have spent a very enjoyable evening with the Improv Tantalizers. Back in the 90ies, I used to be myself a professional improvisation actor and trainer. In the beginning I was skeptical, if this combination of two worlds of sexual topics and improvisation games really works on stage. But the outcome was great! The actors can handle delicate topics professionally - both in a safe atmosphere, and in a joyful way. The evening developed to be touching and simply fun the same time. A beautiful innovation in the improv scene - keep on going Tantalizers! (R. V.)

Get in touch with us


Tel: +49 176 77272548
