The new coronavirus: how did we get here?
A seafood market in Wuhan, China was known for the trading of wild animals such as birds, rabbits, snakes and bats. On Dec. 31, the U.S. received word that China was treating dozens of cases of a pneumonia-inducing virus of an unknown cause. The next day, the Chinese government shut down this seafood market due to suspicion that the wild animals sold there were the source of the virus. Six days later, Chinese authorities identified the virus as a new strain of coronavirus called COVID-19, a highly infectious disease that causes respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. The outbreak quickly spread throughout Wuhan and eventually into countries like Italy, Spain, Iran, the U.S., and then, all over the world. Read more of Isabel Ames' article here.
A History of Pandemics
Deadly diseases have periodically occupied news headlines over the course of history. From the Spanish Flu, or influenza, pandemic of 1918 to Ebola in 2014, the world has seen a wide array of illnesses. However, COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, stands out among the rest of pandemics in history for a variety of reasons. According to World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, “It is a unique virus with unique characteristics,” leading the world into an unprecedented time.
Arguably the most famous disease, and the deadliest, is the Bubonic Plague, which decimated the European population in the 1300s. With an estimated death toll of up to 200 million, it outnumbers other diseases such as the Spanish Flu, which killed 50 million, and Ebola with just over 11,000 deaths. In comparison, the coronavirus has killed at least 182,000 people worldwide since Nov. 2019 as of May 2, 2020, according to Worldometer. Read more of Ryo Weng's Article here.
"A symptomatology spectrum is a set of symptoms that accompany a disease. The spectrum for COVID-19 ranges from severe to no signs of infection at all." There are many important aspects of the virus, but what they mean for the world is even more important. Click here for the medical information and implications of COVID-19.
The coronavirus is more than just another flu. But with barely understandable medical data and a slew of false information about the outbreak, falsities about the virus are everywhere. Click here to learn about common misconceptions regarding COVID-19.
“Anyone in need of food can show up and take a to-go breakfast or lunch. We’re not going to ask for a free or reduced [meal] application, and we’re not going to ask for money. We’re just here to feed the community." Click here to learn about Redwood's reduced lunch program during the COVID-19 outbreak.
To learn how senior citizens can stay healthy and active in quarantine, click here.
The ripple effects
How COVID-19 has changed our way of life
Trading classrooms for bedrooms, hallways for couches and quads for kitchen tables has jarred students across the country, along with the rest of their family members. In a time where people are focusing on the big picture by reading headlines and stocking up on groceries, the inward perspective is often ignored, forgoing mental health for the immediate physical health of ourselves and our loved ones. Read more of about the effects of the coronavirus on mental health here.
“It’s really hard, but you know, there are a lot bigger things. So as a coach, it’s difficult; as a mentor to the kids, it’s hard for me to lose time with them. I love the camaraderie of the team, but at the end of the day, we’re doing what we need to do to make sure that the nation stays healthy.” Read more about the cancellation of spring sports here.
“They’re terrified. They’re terrified that they’re not going to get out, they’re terrified that they’re not going to see their loved ones again, they’re terrified that they’re going to die in prison.” Read more about the coronavirus and California prisoners, homeless people, and people with mental disabilities here.
On March 14, a man stabbed two Asian American children and their father at a local Sam’s Club grocery store in Midland, Texas, suspecting that they were infecting others with the coronavirus. Read more about xenophobia in times of COVID-19 here.
Television stations broadcast a never-ending reel of climbing death tolls, a failing economy and terrifying projections that could make anyone spiral into a sense of hopelessness. And it is true: the COVID-19 pandemic is a trying time for our global community and has brought tragedy to our world. In times like these, one might question: is anything going right? To maintain optimism, click here.
All across the world, the college application process is changing as COVID-19 affects the ways that prospective students can tour campuses and demonstrate interest and how the College Board can administer previously crucial tests like the SAT. Read more about the changes in our education system here.
Oct. 29, 1929, is a day that went down in history as the tipping point of the great stock market crash that launched the Great Depression. Billions of dollars were lost as Americans scrambled to retain their savings. However, in March of 2020, Black Tuesday was dwarfed by COVID-19-induced stock plunges across the market. Read more about the state of the U.S. economy here.
American lives not the only thing flipped upside down: looking into the future of politics
As COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus, devastates the United States economy, the political landscape has also radically shifted and will continue to do so going forward. But for many Americans, politics is not the most immediate concern. Read more about the political implications for the future here.
“Ladies and gentleman, we’re done. We have a deal,” White House Legislative Affairs Director Eric Ueland said after leaving Senator Mitch McConnell’s office at the conclusion of negotiations for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Read more about the federal stimulus here.
Covid-19 close to home
“Overall, there is no question that people's anxiety and stress level, just based on their demeanor and facial expressions, is more than normal,” Kharrazi said. “However, you also feel this incredible collaborative effort and collegiality that exists in the hospital, which is more than ever before." Read more about intensive care physician Babak Kharrazi's experiences on the frontline here.
"With everything shutting down, there are literally no shows and the whole industry is [paused]––it's like everything is in standstill, and everyone's just freaking out and no one knows what to do." Read more about Carpool Tunnel guitarist Brad Kearsley here.
"It makes me really happy that I can raise all this money and help support kids who need money [the most] and then also to be on my bike and have fun at the same time. So it's really the best of both worlds." Read more about Oliver Neely's fundraiser for child hunger here.
“People have been asking me why I’m working. Not everyone can call out sick and people have to be in the store to keep it running. When I started working at Trader Joe’s, I signed up for working under certain conditions, and I think that this [condition] is one where I shouldn’t stop coming.” Read more about the affects of coronavirus on grocery store workers here.
“True understanding of concepts happens for students when I can see the wheels turning after conversations and collaboration in class. It’s been tough figuring out how to thoughtfully grade my students and empathetically hold them accountable. Determining what’s fair for my students has kept me awake at night." Read more about how online school affects teachers here.
"We dodged a bullet. We were really lucky not to get the virus because we went to the shows at night and sat right next to people. We ate in a dining room that could accommodate 150 people at a time. We easily could have picked it up.” Read more about Princess Cruise passengers here.
“[Takeout] has gone pretty smoothly. It definitely is different; it’s a new normal. You have to pivot and figure [things] out [to] work in the new world." Read more about Marin restaurants adjusting to takeout and delivery services here.
To watch heartfelt interviews from Redwood students about what they miss most about school, click the video above.
To hear what Redwood students and staff have lost because of the coronavirus, click here.
To watch how Redwood students are staying engaged and active during quarantine, click here.
“Greece has been a trip I’ve really been looking forward to because [it] is really the root of modern history and mythology. Although it was unfortunate that we had to postpone, waiting a whole year for the trip gives the world time to adjust to everything that has been going on." Read more about canceled school trips here.
International Look at Quarantine
“I’m so sad to see where Hong Kong is... being able to walk around and take the tram, going from one area to the other was just amazing. To see the city so lively, whether during the day or at night, now that’s completely gone. I’d say that when Corona came, the city completely shut. When I talk about Hong Kong and how it was before, it was so dreamy." Read more about quarantine in Hong Kong here.
“[Quarantine has] been difficult. It's very different [in Valencia, Spain] than in Marin, where, while you practice social distancing, you can maybe go outside or walk your dog or do whatever you need to do. I haven't left the house in 23 days. I haven't walked to my front door.” Read more about quarantine in Spain here.
"It’s been different being home from college, especially since it [was] my first year away. I was getting so many priceless, new experiences at the [University of Nottingham] that I miss everyday." Read more about quarantine in England here.
the pandemic in pictures
In times of uncertainty and panic, the vast majority of our country, and our world for that matter, has been affected by COVID-19. This is a trying time for our nation, but in certain aspects our community has come together. While there may be tension among different groups, there are also rallies of spirit, optimism and hope. We hope this piece can bring reassurance that we, as a community, can get through this. Together.