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The Marriage Circle healing the brokenness and misunderstandings of marriage

Marriage Circle Bio:

Words from the C.E.O and C.T.0:

Hello All! Welcome to the Marriage Circle! I am Mary Magdalene Johnson-Collins, the founder and CEO of this amazing blessing from God. The marriage circle came to me in a dream one night and God placed everything on the table of what he needed me to do with this project. So in October 2017 I became obedient and followed what was asked of me. The purpose of this ministry is to heal what is now broken which is marriage. I was very afraid in the beginning to call this journey a ministry but that is exactly what this has become. The words that I bring forth to all are the words that come directly from God to me and I bring his words and teachings to you. We have so many things coming soon for you and I can not wait for you all to enjoy. Thank you for stepping out on faith with us and allowing God into your union. Remember to keep him first in ALL that you do and you will never fail.

Hello I am Terrance Collins Jr, the C.T.O and Co-Founder of the Marriage circle. When my wife approached me with this project I did not know what my part would be in this ministry with her. I begun to seek out and pray for my role and God granted us with the vision of technology. I am the one who does the graphical designs, Social media management, Website designer and so much more. I am also the head event husband for the guys night out events and submitting inspirational quotes for the couples that are apart of this circle. Marriage is not easy but it is very rewarding. We are here to make sure that every marriage wins with God's help.

Thank you all in advance for allowing us to be apart of your healing and understanding! Mr. and Mrs. Collins

Marriage Circle Couple of the Month Mr.&Mrs. Desnoyers!

“No Marriage is easy but if you love each other enough and have faith, with God anything is possible… You can make it!”


The Marriage Circle

Communication and Prayer is the Key to a Successful Marriage:

Hands up, mouths closed (lol)! It is a phrase teachers use to gain the attention of rowdy students and regain order in the classroom. This phrase is a great depiction of how communication should look in marriage day today.

As two different people, individually you can hear the same sentence and have 2 different perspectives on what was said. This was the first year of our marriage. My husband would give a direction or even correct a destructive habit and I would fall apart because I felt like I was being attacked and would shut down. We had to learn a different way to communicate and I had to operate in the spirit of shut up (not always having a smart remark, or have the last word).

My husband had to be a little softer in his delivery and I had to learn to actually listen and process what was said before I responded. It’s said that lack of communication is the leading causes of divorce and I can say that I lived it. We were both frustrated because needs weren't being met and no one understood what the other was saying! I planned an exit strategy daily because I didn't want to change and grow. I remember my husband saying to me during that time "I just want to love you, why are you fighting me?” It was then that I began praying for him (all the things that I didn't like) and God started to change me and how I viewed him.

He began to do the same and I believe that strengthened our bond and renewed our connection to God. Yes, we still have things we're not so crazy about in each other, but because we chose to fight for us we have new eyes and an even deeper love for one another.

The Marriage Circles Inspirational Corner

January's Inspirational Quote Comes From: Mr.&Mrs. Collins

Marriage Circle Praise Break:

"Through Your Works, your greatness will shine."

  • Congratulations to one of our Marriage Circle husbands for obtaining his CDL license!!!
  • Congrats are due to another Marriage Circle husband for starting an new chapter without alcohol making it a full week strong!!!!
Created By
The Marriage Cirlce


Photos Couritsy of BonAventure Resort and Google photo Search


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