How many times have you put off doing or buying something that you know you want to do or have, but just haven’t made it a high enough priority, or it wasn’t the “right time”? And how many times have you later regretted not doing or buying that something? If you’re like most of us, it’s happened at least once in your life.
We think of a dream vacation, but keep putting it off till the right time. We see a new car or maybe a boat that we know we would love to own, but for whatever reason we don’t act on it – it just doesn’t feel like the right time. Maybe work or family schedules got in the way, or maybe there wasn’t money readily available to do what we dreamed of doing, but it just didn’t happen. There often are legitimate reasons for delaying big decisions, but too often in life we end up looking back and wishing we had done those things we dreamed of doing earlier, but didn’t.
Those are sometimes the defining moments in life we look back at with regret because we didn’t act on our impulses or desires when we really did have the opportunity to do so. We thought that the right time would come, but we didn’t do enough to make it happen. We had the time, we had the money, but it might have been easier to not spend either on something that would have enriched our lives and our families with memories and traditions that would be handed down through generations to come.
Haven’t we all told ourselves that we don’t have the time for fun things, like owning a boat and being on the water with our families and friends, or taking a week off work and sailing to a new destination? And haven’t we too often looked back and thought – “Wow, I wish we had done that before the kids grew up and moved on?” – or – “If only we had taken time to pursue our boating dreams before (your name here) got too sick to do it”.
If only...
Life is meant to be lived, and it’s important to realize that while you’re healthy and able to live it to the fullest. If boat ownership is in your future, maybe it’s time to look seriously at the big picture and determine if maybe now is your right time. Time on the water with your family and friends will make the wonderful memories that you will look back at fondly one day, and every new harbor that you discover, and every new friend that you will make will become part of those memories that enrich your life.
So ask yourself – “When is MY right time?”
Maybe it’s now, and you just haven’t yet realized it.
Written by Mike Thoney