Upper-year students have learned a lot in their time at Queen's and have lots of advice to pass on to incoming students. Here is some of that advice to make your transition into university just a little easier. We put a few of our favourites on phone backgrounds so you can carry them with you!
Give it a little time. Settling into university doesn't usually happen on the first day, week, or even month! Be patient and be open for what the future can bring. – Roslyn Neals
Get to know your professors! You'll hear it a lot, but truly don't be shy about introducing yourself to your profs and talking to them. It certainly makes it easier to approach them with questions, and you never know what connections you can make. – Sean Begy
I know the 4-pieces are fantastic early on, but don't over indulge too quickly. I promise they'll be there all year and you don't want to be sick of them by April Exam season! – Audrey Gruneberg
I strongly suggest practicing navigating the OnQ site before the first week of classes. I was new to online learning, and I found it really hard to maneuver at first. As a result, I was really lost and confused for the first 2 weeks trying to find assignments and due dates. Avoid the stress by practicing in advance! – Anne Pattison
Maximize your use of break times in between classes so that you can have more time to relax in the evenings. – Rachel Field
Create a list of things you do when you get stressed and pin it up somewhere in your room. That way, when you inevitably become stressed, you can just read the list, pick one, and do it. – Norman Mackay
Going through Mac-Corry during the winter is a good way to keep warm. – Caroline Uchida
Set a timer for your laundry, so you're not that person who hogs a machine. – Kathryn Thow
Don't be afraid to try new things and get involved. If it doesn't work out, who cares? At least you tried and now you will know for the future. If it does, you just gained an awesome experience. – Darina Zubova
CoGro cake costs real money but is totally worth it! – Darina Zubova
Don't go crazy buying Queen's merchandise as soon as you get there. You are bound to accumulate gear throughout your time there, and at events. – Nabeeha Mahmood
Stay organized and on top of the workload. The material itself is not bad, it's the amount you're expected to know that is the big change from high school. Try to study and understand the material as you go and don't leave things to the last minute! – Rebecca Carr
Take advantage of your Dons and the emails sent out by Queen's. There is a ton of useful information about clubs fairs, information sessions and involvement opportunities that people just aren't aware of and really should be. – Nolan Ross
It's okay not to live in residence. Living off campus doesn't make you any less of a Queen's student. – Megan Talbot
Don't put so much pressure on yourself to find friends. Relax, the meaningful relationships will find you. – Heather Lundrigan
There are going to be periods where all your assignments are due (around midterms) and periods where it seems like you have no major deadlines coming up. Use your time wisely during that period when you don't have major deadlines to get assignments done ahead of time so you won't be writing 5 essays in a week! – Megan Afshar