I have chosen this photo to be in my portfolio, because I truly believe that it is one of my best works. The connection that I have with this photo is that it is one of the very first which I took on the DSLR Camera and I was impressed with the outcome. some compositional elements that would be seen in the image would be fill the Fram as much of the pink rose is inside of the rose. I captured the photo about the time of noon and the photo was captured in the front lawn of my house. What motivated me to take the photo was that I wanted to be able to get a feel for the camera and being able to take my first pictures. The Pink rose also presented itself as a good subject for my first few photos so I decide to take the opportunity to shoot a couple of photos of it. I also thought that the pink rose was beautiful and worthy of a photo.
I have chosen this photo as part of my digital portfolio, because it just looks very cool and beautiful to me. I have a connection with the photo as the subject of my photo is my pet Chihuahua named Sparky. what captivated me is the reflection of the outside world through his eye. What I expect the viewer to see and notice in the image is that it looks as if sparky is like deeply thinking while looking out my bedroom window almost as it he is waiting for something to occur much like we humans do. I believe that the compositional element in the photo is possibly fill the frame, because Sparky fills much of the frame. I took this photo when Sparky was onto of my bed and he was looking outside. I thought to myself that this was a great photo opportunity so I took the photo and I loved the way it came out. what motivated me to take the photo was that the position Sparky was in inspired me to shoot a photo of him as I believed it looked cool and lovely.
I have chosen this photo to be in my portfolio, because it looks splendid and beautiful. The connection hat I aha with this image is that while I was looking to find good subjects for my first photography assignment which was framing, in my search for a good subject I found a lonely sunflower, I then proceeded to shoot aphid of the sunflower and it captivated me how good it turned out to be. In my opinion the compositional element that is present in the photo would be symmetry, because not only is the sunflower in the middle of the frame, but the wood in the background appeared to be reflected with the other side of the sunflower. I took this photo during the afternoon of the month of September if I am correct. I decide to shoot a photo of the sunflower as a potential photo for a later assignment in photography. I took the photo, because I thought it would be a good image and would later serve as a photo for an assignment later int he year.
I have chosen this image to be a part of my portfolio, because the is a splendid image which I have taken. Mr. Banez is of course the subject of my photo. My attachment to this image is that it concludes two compositional elements which are contrast and Framing, both of which are clearly visible in the photo, and it looks very good with the lighting and the way that Mr. Banez is positioned on the cement floor. I took this image in the hours of morning during my photography class where Mr. McCarthy bought us outside to shoot some photos of contrast. My partner Mr. Banez and I decide to shoot some photos, I was onto of a bench and Mr. Banez was positioned on the cement floor. I took this photo with my camera, because it would be good contrast photo with Mr. Banez on the cement floor. Mr. McCarthy was even impressed with how well the photo came out which surprised e and Mr. Banez.
I have included this image into my portfolio, because I think it is one of the clearest and like perfectly still image I have taken. It's hard to explain the image has something in it where I see symmetry or like if it is exactly frozen in time with no blurs or out of focus in it. What I expect the viewers is not just that the image is the Gregori High School's Gym, but that the triangles and support beams serve as diagonals, and ams that the image is surprisingly well taken and like fixed on a frame. it is a good image in my opinion which I took of course. I took this picture in the morning when I had just arrived at the school, If I remember correctly the image was taken on a Monday before I entered Photography Class. What motivated me to take the picture was that the image exemplified the compositional element of diagonals, which the image does include within itself. So this is a unique image for me.
I have chosen to add this image into my portfolio, because it looks "Cool". In reality the image in my opinion is very creative and the light painting activity that we did in class prompted me to wonder if there would be any good photos that would be added into my portfolio, therefore I added this photo, because I believe that it related to a lot of people since they might be cool, and okay with many things are good people. There isn't really a compositional element enemy option as the letters are in the middle of the image/frame. I took this photo while my classmates and I were doing alight painting activity in class with Mr. McCarthy. We were pretty much all taking photos, and someone suggested we do a light painting of the word "Cool". So we did and the image came out really good. I was pretty much motivated to take this photo, because I was excited about the result of the image and colors.
I have chosen to include this photo of my brother into my portfolio, because I think it looks good and also it is a crystal clear image which demostrates the compositional element of Framing. What I expect my viewer to see would of ouches be my brother, but also notice the tree trunk on the right side while leaves populate the left side of the image, this would create a sort of unique framing, because of the way that the tree and leaves are positioned. I took this photo during first days having a DSLR Camera with me and decided to shoot some pictures with my brother in order to complete the framing assignment that I had to do. what prompted me to pick up my camera and shoot this photo along with other would be the fact that I had one of my first assignments which was the framing assignment, and I thought I would ask for my brother help for the assignment and he agreed. So I took the photo outside of our house and positioned my brother in front of the tree trunk, but behind the set of leaves and produced the image that you see now. I say that it is one of my best photos, because well I think it looks good and it satisfies the compositional element of Framing.
I have decide to incorporate this photo of some tree branches into my portfolio, because I view it as like ams or leading lines extending out towards the sky eventually branching out into leaves which give us air and even food n the form of fruits. What I expect my viewer to see is that the beaches are more or less leading towards the upper part of the tree for example the leaves. My compositional elements in this photo would be leading lines as the tree branches are leading towards the leaves. I took this picture near my godmothers house, I took it during the time of noon in Modesto, CA. what prompted me to pick up my camera and shoot this photo was that while I was walking down the sidewalk I noticed the tree and its extending branches. I then decided to shoot the photo as in my opinion it would have made a good leading lines compositional photo. Before I took the photo I was contemplating on what objects in my surrounding area would be good for my leading lines assignment. I saw the tree and inspiration struck me, shooting the photo and capturing a good leading mines photo.
I've chosen this photo of Ms. Ashleigh to be in my portfolio, because the dynamics of the photo are very interesting. The background color along with Ms. Ashleigh create the compositional element of contrast and the expression that Ms. Ashleigh gives to the camera creates a sense of mysteriously along with a bit of romantically which further makes the image stand out and impacts the viewer when they see the photo. What I expect the viewer to see is not only Ms. Ashleigh and background, but also that her expression creates a connections with the viewer and makes it almost as if the viewer is the one shooting the photo. I took this photo during the hours of morning during one of our first activities in photography with our partners at Gregori high School. What prompted me to pick up my camera and take this photo would have been from that the activity must be completed, but that I saw the wall color and though it would create a good contrast with Ms. Ashleigh.
I have chosen to putts photo in my digital portfolio, because I feel like this photo is a good illustrator of how people's eyes are drawn to unknown things. The attachment that I have with this photo is that the mostly everyone is looking toward the sky and the girl at the center of the image is pointing upwards which connects with me, because whenever I see something that catches my eye or amazes me I will point towards it, like a rocket launch of any kind. What I expect my viewer to see in the image is almost everyone looking up and the most obvious would be the freshman girl looking upend pointing with her finger to something in the sky, her face wit astonishment and emotions conveying. I didn't really think about incorporating a compositional element into the photo as the photo was to be paling in Meer seconds and I hand no time to decide on a compositional element to incorporate into he picture. I took this photo during the early hours of the morning and during a demonstration of Mr. and Mrs. Merenda's class shooting rockets into the sky. What prompted me to pick up the camera would have been Mr. McCarthy as he said that that this was a great importunity to shoot some photos of captivating people. I took this photo, because just before water bottle rocket was going to be launched I saw that the group of kids was going to be amazed by the launch so I positioned myself next to the crowd and as the rocket shot into the sky I took this picture of the people looking up and following the rockets trajectory and I was able to capture the Girl pointing at the rocket. What motivated me to take this picture was the sheer fact that I ate to capture the reactions of the crowd of the rocket blasting off into he sky.