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Thunderbird April, 2019 newsletter

Important Dates at a Glance

  • Spring Camporee.............................................April 26-28
  • Earth Day.........................................................April 27
  • Archaeology Camp..........................................May 3-5
  • OA day of service.............................................May 4
  • Roundtable.......................................................May 6
  • OA Chapter meeting.......................................May 7
  • STEM Camp-In..............................................May 10
  • Commissioner meeting....................................May 13
  • Council Annual Dinner...................................May 15
  • District Hike at Zoo........................................May 18
  • Swift's Big Kick Off........................................May 18-20
  • Committee meeting.........................................May 20
  • Eagle Board of Review.....................................May 21
  • Cub Scout Twilight Camp...............................June 10-13

District News:

Next Roundtable - Monday May 6th

Program Preview! Be sure to bring several representatives from your group to learn about all the exciting things that the different committees have planned for the next year. Meeting is at St. John the Baptist on Delor beginning at 7pm.


Remember--If you recruit a NEW Scout, the Scout and his Parent (guardian) each get a Cardinal Baseball ticket for the 06/04/2019 game.

A Scout "crossing over" to a Troop is NOT a new Scout. Spring may be a good time to recruit GIRLS to Scouting.

Contact Dennis Trask, Thunderbird District Membership Chair with any questions: (314)226-0984, or


Great job to all in helping to achieve the silver award. Let's get the gold for 2019!! What can we do to achieve gold?

  • Get out and fundraise
  • Help recruit new scouts
  • Provide advancement opportunities and report advancement achievements
  • Participate in camping opportunities
  • Be sure you and your other leaders are trained
  • Report service hours
Recognition Dinner

Recognition Dinner to be held on May 15th. We will celebrate the class of 2019 Silver Beaver Awardees. Congratulations to Thunderbird's John Gundy from Troop 281 who will be a recipient! This is open to anyone so register online:

Camping Chair needed

Matt Meyer's term of office ends after the Tower Grove Twilight Camp, 06/10/2019-06/13/2019. Please consider taking this position as this is a very important part of scouting and we need to continue the great work Matt has done over the past several years. Contact William Humphrey or ANY committee member to let them know you are interested.

Activities and Camping

Spring Camporee 4/26-4/28 - Shippey

  • Boy Scout Program has been sent out. Paul Winter, coordinator (314) 971-7265
  • Cub Scout Program has been sent out. Scott Hoffmann, coordinator. Home: 314-752-2714, Cell: 314-954-2668
  • GSLAC cost per person is $6.
  • Go to website for camp manuals and more information:
District "Hike" Saturday, May 18th

Our usual District Hike has been transformed into a "Scavenger Hunt" at the Zoo.

You will be going around the zoo looking for answers to zoo questions. Example: "Where is the bust of Marlin Perkins located and which direction does he face?" Try getting that answer from "Google"! More details closer to event date.

Troop 4 Camp Pictures
Troop 4 winter camp outs

Thanks to Troop 4 for sharing pictures from several winter camp-outs. Two of were snowy, but that did not stop them! These first two are from the Treehouses at S-bar-F in January 2019. They actually stayed at the S-bar-F Adirondacks but went to visit the Treehouses.

The middle two are from a Troop 4 Orienteering meeting in Francis Park 03/20/2019. 2nd year Webelos from Pack 4 were in attendance as guests until their Crossover in late April.

The last three are from Wentzel Lodge at S-bar-F in February, 2019. Troop 4 invited the Second Year Webelos from Pack 4 to attend to prepare them for future campouts after they cross over in April.

Cub Scout Overnight Camp Registration is OPEN for 2019

Summer camp is fun with a purpose, and Scouts will find adventure in the outdoors while learning and advancing through the Cub Scout program. Click here for more information and to register. Campership opportunities are available. Campership form Deadline is May 1.

Summer Evening Camp Is Almost Here!

  • Dates: June 10-13
  • Times: 5:30pm - 8:30pm
  • Place: Tower Grove Stone Pavilion
  • Who: For girls and boys, Scouts and non-Scouts, ages 7-11 (7 years old or entering 1st grade in the Fall of 2019-must be accompanied by an adult partner)
  • What: STEM activities included with this year’s "Out of This Galaxy!" Theme, Healthy, fun outdoor activities like Archery, BB guns, slingshots, fishing, hiking and games!

Register here:

Twilight Camp does not run itself. Angie and Linda need support STAFF including DEN CHIEFS.

PLEASE! Contact Angie Blumenthal or Linda Criss to VOLUNTEER to help staff Twilight Camp. Astronomy is the basic camp theme, so be a "star" and become a staff member.

Ozark Adventure Trek

Back by popular demand, GSLAC will offer a 9-day Ozark Adventure Trek in 2019. Explore S bar F Scout Ranch and the nearby Ozark Trail over the course of this backpacking adventure. The Ozark Adventure includes support services such as logistics, crew gear, food, staffed program, and more. This program requires similar preparation to a Philmont trek, so please plan and train accordingly. Click here for more information.

District Pinewood Derby

We had lots of Cub Scouts NEW to Pinewood Derby. Scouts brought their Pit Crew (parents) who were also very new to Pinewood Derby. Pit Crews did not realize how strict we had to be with the car specifications. The Pit Crews had to rework many of the cars to meet specifications before they could be registered to race. Frantic work by the Pit Crews brought the cars to specification but the long “yellow flag” made registration run late. Not a big deal. This is Scouting at the PACK level. Cub Scouts, Parents, and Leaders all learn Pinewood Derby together.

47 cars registered, representing 10 separate Cub Packs (4, 34, 52, 86, 100, 103, 104, 108, 212, 214) Pack 100, Mason School brought the biggest contingent. They registered 19 cars!

The six fastest cars were:

  1. Andrew Wolf–Pack 4, St. Gabriel
  2. Daniel Striler–Pack 212, St. Ambrose
  3. Henry Willers–Pack 103, Mallinkrodt
  4. Gabriel Apicelli–Pack 212, St. Ambrose
  5. Cole Schellert–Pack 104, St. Stephen
  6. Max Kuhl–Pack 34, Ascension Lutheran

As you can see, our top six cars were spread among five different Thunderbird Packs. The speediest top three participants received trophies from Thunderbird. To be certain participants got a fair race, the computer picked the cars at random for each race. The computer also made certain all cars raced in each of the six lanes.

We picked a different person to start each of the 47 races. “Starters” included Scouts, parents and siblings picked at random from the crowd. The “race starter” was introduced to the audience such as “Gus from Pack 108 is starting this race”. Scouts were nicely introduced, but Parents and Scout Leaders were fair game. We made gentle fun of them when introduced.

Tim Wiese, our Thunderbird Activities Chair, would like to thank all those who attended the Derby and those who worked the Derby. We beleive it was both fun and successful!

Tim is already planning the Thunderbird District Pinewood Derby for 2020.

Pack 108's Pinewood Derby cars (no pictures from District PWD)
Earth Day April 27th

The Boy Scouts of America are partnering with MERS Goodwill to help collect donations on April 27, 2019 in celebration of Earth Day. Please help us by volunteering to collect donations!

Donors can drop off donations at select Dierberg's locations. Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and adult leaders are needed to help at each drop off location. Participants can sign up for time blocks, 8:30AM to 11:30AM; 11AM to 2PM; 12PM to 3PM - or help the whole day! Our location is at Mackenzie Point. Scouts that bring donations can enter to win some special prizes such as Cardinals tickets.

Scouts will receive service hours for helping and all donors will receive tax receipts and a voucher for half-price Cardinals tickets. Everyone will receive a special commemorative patch for helping!

Thank you for helping our communities to reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Operation Pick Up Sticks

Operation Pick Up Sticks was held on Saturday, March 30th at Concordia Lutheran Cemetery. It was a service project open to all scouts, leaders and adult volunteers which consisted of cleaning up dead sticks and fallen limbs in the cemetery property. Thanks to all that helped!

Advancement and Recognition

Tim Brennan Eagle Ceremony

Pictured below are members of Troop 179’s Phantom Patrol congratulating Tim Brennan on just receiving his Eagle Scout Award. Tim is a sophomore at SLUH and received his award at his Court of Honor on Sunday, March 24th at Immaculate Heart of Mary. Congratulations, Tim!

Tim Brennan receiving Eagle Rank (Ed Bradley presenter)

L to R: Nathaniel Sneed, Henry Ebert (Eagle), Peyton Rog (Life), Tim Brennan (newest Eagle), John Mersinger (Eagle)

Upcoming Badge Workshops:

Merit Badge Skill Centers
  • Climbing - Saturdays and Sundays at Upper Limits
  • Genealogy - May 18
  • Scuba Diving - June 18
  • Reptiles and Amphibians - April 27
  • Railroading - June 4
  • American Heritage - June 6 or August 2
  • Personal Fitness - Sept. 7
  • Law - June 5 or July 31
  • Public Health - August 8
  • Go to the Merit Badge Skills Center page for all listings and to register:

The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts

The Salesmanship Merit badge has several workshops coming up. Find out more:

Upcoming Moviemaking Merit Badge Workshops:

Webolos Game Design Adventure has several upcoming workshops:

Digital Technology Merit Badge workshop dates:

Safety Merit Badge workshop: complete many requirements for the Safety Merit Badge while working on site with Poettker Construction May 4th from 9-11:30am. This is free but limited to the first 30 scouts. RSVP by April 26th to: Don't forget to bring your merit badge card to be signed!

OA Report

OA Day of Service - Saturday, May 4th

On May 4th, 2019 the Lodge will be having the One Day of Service at Wilmore Park. This will be an opportunity where everyone from the Lodge can come and help with a service project. No fee, lunch will be provided. The service project will be mulching. Bring gloves and a water bottle. Also, if you have wheelbarrows or rakes, please bring those too. Register at:


Swift's Big Kick Off

Join the Venturing and Sea Scout Officers Association and the Swift Staff for an exciting weekend May 18-20.

We’ll be starting off the Swift Base season in style. Saturday join us as we help to improve the Swift Base and setup some of the programs for the summer. This event is free so sign up at:


Archaeology Camp

Archaeology Camp held at the Center for American Archaeology in Kampsville, IL May 3-5. Earn your Archaeology Merit Badge at a real field school! Scouts will enjoy a weekend packed with fun program and educational experiences. This one-of-a-kind event includes camping, flint-knapping, spear-throwing, and conducting real, guided archaeological research. Scouts will get to assist the Center for American Archaeology on a site visit, conducting field work and digs that contribute to archaeological research and knowledge. For more info:

STEM Camp-In at the Science Center

May 10-11, 2019

Spend the night in The Saint Louis Science Center! Earn your Soil and Water Conservation Merit Badge with the help of real soil scientists performing hands-on experiments! This event costs $45 per person (Youth and Adult Chaperones). The cost includes 2 meals and an Omnimax Show, and a unique Planetarium show.

This is for Scouts Ages 11-17. Check-in for campers and adult leaders will be Friday, May 10th at 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM. Check-out will be Saturday May 11th at 9:30 AM.

This Camp-in will include:

  • An OMNIMAX® Theater film and James S. McDonnell Planetarium show
  • Live Amazing Science Demonstration
  • Free time to explore the Science Center
  • Friday Dinner and Snack
  • Saturday Breakfast
  • Sleeping in the Science Center exhibit galleries
  • Overnight parking
  • Register at:
STEM On Campus

06/02/2019-06/05/2019, SEMO -

06/05/2019-06/08/2019, UMSL -

06/05/2019-06/08/2019, SIU-C -

For more information on STEM, go to the GSLAC website:


Leader Outdoor Experience (BALOO/LOE)

Two opportunities: April 27-28 at Beaumont Scout Reservation, or May 4-5 at Pine Ridge Scout Reservation. This training is open to all leaders within the Pack including Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos Leaders and Cubmasters. Have fun conducting a Pack camping activity. Register at:


Grow and improve your leadership skills while following the guidelines of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Scouts earning the National Youth Leadership Training shield are better prepared to interact with adult leaders and face the challenges and demands ahead.

It is recommended that they have had at least one year of camping experience. While NYLT is not an outdoor skills course, it is important that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience. For more information go to:

Other News

Pack 108 Pinewood Derby

Pack 108’s pinewood derby is always a fun event. They sell concessions while their bears hold a Carnival for their Grin and Bear it loop. Each year they invite the school's local girl scout group to participate. This year had 32 kids participating! Troop 179 is always a huge help with the derby by lending us judges and race help.

Pack 108 Pinewood Derby and Bear Carnival

Thank you to all who contributed!

Please send any stories or pictures for future newsletters to: Kris Ranciglio -

The end


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