
Ute Storytelling Workshop 2018

The Ute Storytelling workshop takes place on the campus of the University of Utah and includes visits to several schools in and around the Ute Reservation.

Following a very successful workshop in 2017, the 2nd Annual workshop took place during the second week of June, 2018. Like the previous workshop, we had a great time making 'Zines and telling short visual stories. This year we added spoken word poetry with the help of a wonderful student leader, shia

"We are born Storytellers"

The annual workshops begin with multiple trips to the rez to conduct small one-off workshops. The most important part is building partnerships and trust between the students and faculty.

'Zines, dStories, or Slam Poetry?

The Photo booth

Martha Macomber is the consummate tireless leader. Martha is the Educational Liaison to the Ute Indian Tribe.

Thomas J. Ferrill (TJ) - Like all creatives, TJ wears many hats. He serves as the J Willard Marriott Library's Outreach Coordinator. The library has played a critical role in the Ute Workshops

Erika Church is geek numero uno! Erika teaches the craft of the 'Zine (magazine for short) and leads the 'zine-making workshops

Tony Sams is a New Media Projects Specialist in the J Willard Marriott Library and leads the digital storytelling workshops. He's also a crazy dad with two wild boys who spend copious amounts of time in the desert and mountains chasing the proverbial stoke.

Created By
Tony Sams


Anthony Sams


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