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COVID-19 and the Rise of Social Media Use: The Negative Mental Health Implications of Increased Instagram Usage A Research Project By: Ava Rice

About Ava

Ava Rice is a fourth year Professional Communication student at Ryerson University graduating in June 2021. She is passionate about visual design, writing and marketing. Ava is excited to continue pursuing these interests when starting graduate school in September at Ryerson in the Master of Professional Communication program. Ava is currently a communications intern for the Canadian Environmental Law Association and the Low-Income Energy Network as well as a member of the Signify Digital Delivery Team.

Ava's capstone research project explores excessive versus moderate social media use and investigates the connection between increased Instagram usage and mental health. Exacerbated use of this social media platform can lead to a rise in instances of detrimental health effects. Users may join or use Instagram to enhance feelings of connectivity or mitigate feelings of social isolation and end up becoming trapped in a damaging scrolling cycle, the effects of which are revealed in the final results of this project.

Created By
Ava Rice

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