Meet the new CEHS Show Choir ( they are ready to fight )

Show Choir has always been a prevalent force at East with its melodic voices, precise dance numbers and infectious energy. For the past 26 years, East's show choir, Center Stage, has been directed by Ken Huaun, who retired last year. Now, a new era has been ushered in, complete with a new director, new goals and a new vision.

"When I first walked into the choir room, I felt a different atmosphere. I knew this year was going to be fair and everyone would have an opportunity to excel," junior Maddie Engelau said.

This year, Center Stage has high hopes. Nick Brockamp, the new choral director for Center Stage and Olympian Choir, may be the reason for those hopes. He is a 2016 graduate of Millikin University and has experience working with other choirs around the country as a music arranger. "I am excited to be here," he said. "It's my first high school I have taught. I love the energy we are getting in class, the positivity and the excitement."

Nick Brockamp, the new East choir director, enjoys getting to know his students in Center Stage.

Although the choir is full of smiles, they are not afraid to work. Talks of more rehearsals and stricter guidelines are not phasing the 25 students that make up the show choir. This group is determined to earn trophies and make their group well-known throughout the school and state.

"I see us working together to reach our goals instead of counting on a few people to get us where we want to be," junior Riley Carmickle said.

Even though the group is ready to compete, sweat and stretch their vocal cords, ultimately, they just want to be a tight-knit group. "I hope that we improve greatly; better singing and dancing, but overall, I just hope our choir becomes a family," senior Heather Langevin said.

The tenor and bass sections of Center Stage practice a new vocal warm-up.

Center Stage is ready for whatever the future brings. They know with their new director and their hard work, that they will win more than just trophies.

"I hope that they remember the one time that we did this or won that, but at the same time, I just hope they remember being in choir and having a great time, then being able to pass the love of music they found in choir to their families," Nick Brockamp said.


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