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August 2019 | Issue XV


September 5 - Welcome Back Volunteer Mixer

September 21 - Block Party

Wave your Flag!

Saturday Morning Breakfast Club #3 got festive on July 20th with their “make your own flag” station for the children (and parents alike). Residents made flags from their home countries, including Mexico and Saudi Arabia. As we crafted, we talked about differences in what constitutes heat in our respective countries. This small exercise was such a large lesson in tolerance, perspective and why RMH-NY is such a special place, uniting families in need from all across the country.

Submitted by Coli Bacharach

Rain or Shine: We Grill!

The Kiwanis team promised to deliver a scrumptious BBQ, and deliver they did. The torrential downpour did not stop the team from grilling on the terrace. It was a true testament to the human spirit, and the generosity/ dedication of our volunteers. Everyone walked away fed, happy and maybe just a little wet. A HUGE kudos to Kiwanis.

Submitted by Coli Bacharach

Christmas in July Hawaiian Style!

What could be better than Christmas in July? Hawaiian Christmas in July! On July 25th, Yonkers Fire Department showed up at the house in Hawaiian style shirts with food, games and presents for all.

While the families were enjoying their Dallas BBQ dinner, the firefighters were handing out grass skirts and leis and preparing an ice cream bar. After dinner, the families were invited to the living room which was filled with beach toys and games. Limbo was the most popular, where the kids proved that they could show up Thursday Night Volunteer & YFD firefighter, Tommy Addonizio… it seemed the kids had better limbo hips.

The star of the evening of course was Santa, he looked well rested and excited to share the presents he brought with all. The families had fun seeing Santa in July. The kids were ready to sit on his lap and take photos. It was another wonderful summer night of memories at RMH-NY!

Submitted by Helena Russo

Preparing Dinner with Perkins + Will!

Perkins + Will, a global architecture firm with an office in NYC, treated the families to a delicious home-cooked meal on Wednesday, 7/24. The firm visits the House several times a year and uses the visits to not only increase volunteerism but also increase employee engagement. Team members love cooking dinners for the family to help the community and also interact with co-workers at a more casual setting. Some members chopped vegetables while others heated up meat in the oven. A big thank you to Perkins + Will – see you again soon!

Submitted by Kelly Chu

NBA Summer BBQ!

Slam dunk– what a terrific night at the House! The NBA corporate team brought in such a fun barbecue dinner catered by Dallas BBQ. The dinner consisted of all the BBQ favorites- potato salad, corn on the cob, ribs, grilled chicken and corn bread. Everyone was so excited to dive into this delicious meal!

After dinner the NBA team had desserts & games out on the terrace. The team was very energetic, engaging and competitive with the families. The kids had a blast running around playing-especially once they discovered the fun dip on the tables.

There were lots of blue mouths by the end of the night. All in all, everyone had a great classic summer BBQ and games night!

Submitted by Kelly Quane

Grilling with Migliore

On Sunday, July 28th, the families of RMH-NY were once again treated to a delicious home-cooked meal by Team Migliore. The team, led by Anthony, who has been coming to the House multiple times a year for over 9 years, took advantage of the beautiful weather outside and grilled delicious hot dogs on the terrace. The team even put together a colorful and healthy salad bar so that even the pickiest eaters could create their own perfect meals!

We love when Team Migliore stops by and can’t wait to see what dinner ideas they have next!

Submitted by Kelly Chu

Breakfast Club

The 1st Saturday Morning Breakfast Club was in the kitchen early on Aug 3rd and prepared a hearty breakfast for the families. They were busy with whipping up all the breakfast favorites so everyone could enjoy breakfast before heading out for the day. Some of the families were ready togo to the a field trip sponsored by NYPD Aviation to Floyd Bennett Field organized with Thursday night Volunteer Alison McDaniel while others were ready to head out and have NYC fun.

Submitted by Helena Russo

Introducing our new Giving Library!

Almost exactly one year ago, one of our Volunteer Greeters, Jill Sharfstein, took the initiative to bring in some of her favorite children’s books to share with our families. As she met children waiting in our House’s lobby, she would go over to sit and read with them and offer them a book to keep. A year later, Jill still brings in books each week to give away to families. Not only do the children love the books and distraction, but it also gives the caregivers the opportunity to sit back and relax for a moment. Watching Jill’s interactions with these families inspired us to create an entire program around her weekly idea. On their way in and out of the House, we’d like to allow the families to stop by the Giving Library, to take a book with them or simply to read in the lobby, whether it be for the caregiver, child undergoing treatment, sibling, etc.

All books on this shelf have been generously donated to the House! We would welcome and appreciate donations from community partners and individuals around the year to keep our shelves full!


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