Signature Portrait
Having engagement shoot will give couple more materials for decorations at the wedding such as signature portrait. It is the big framed photo of the couple that can be place oustide the reception area to welcome the guest and let them know that they're in the right place. Some couple use their portrait as message board that guest could sign in and make message
Some couple preferred a designed portrait like a movie poster that they could even post on social media as Now Showing!
There's a lot that couple could do with their engagement photos such as save the date, invitations, slide shows, thank you card, reception decorations and more. However the most benefit that a couple should have an engagement shoot is so they could know how their photographers work even before their wedding. It will give them insights what kind of a person would show up on their wedding day following and directing them the entire day.
Wedding Day
After all that time, money, sweat, tears, sleepless nights and dealing with so many vendors and relatives putting the best wedding together, now it's about happen. This is a very stressful moment for the couple. Most couple won't be able to sleep right the night before the wedding. Like the most couple, bride and groom to be are still preparing and doing the final touch and making sure everything is in order.
Filgraphix goal as professional, is to keep the couple at ease and relieve stress from the couple. Part of Filgraphix photography service that we give to the couple are few recommendations and tips to make their wedding run smooth.
Bride Prep
Bride is the most important person of the day. Filgraphix showcase how beautiful and elegant the bride is. The bride is the queen of the day. All eyes are on her. Every little detail about her very important. Part of the checklist that we provided are details that couples usually forget during wedding prep. Details such as bouquet, white robe, wedding rings and invitations are the most common items that couples forget to have ready during wedding preparations.
Groom Prep
I've enjoyed capturing the groom and groomsmen more and more while preparing since they're less uptight about the event. Its easier to work with them and more fun.
The most exciting part of the day. We can see how everyone looks at their best with all the most important people in their life. We could see how everyone get together and witness the sanctity of the marriage. The combination of photo journalism, candid and portraiture photography are best use here. Capturing every little detail that couple could easily go back and admire how beautiful their ceremony is. Filgraphix is very adaptive with different lighting style and photography to capture beauty and elegance of the wedding ceremony.
Formal Photos
Formal wedding photos usually happen before (with first look) or after the ceremony. It will be best to have a checklist and have someone that knows everyone to be calling out them. This time every guests wants to take photos with the couple but time is limited. It will be wise to start with immediate family member and the bridal party and have everyone send to the reception area. Others can have their photo taken at the reception. We need enough time for just the couple.
This is our favorite part of the wedding. Creating an amazing, stylish, artistic photos of the couple what makes the wedding memorable. Making sure that bride would look great on the day she could only wear her wedding dress. However this all depends on how much time we have to work on. Even though its our favorite time, it is very stressful since our time is very limited. Filgraphix will always find a way or time if we could sneak a quick shoot outside the reception area. Filgraphix is very flexible working with the couple to get some great shots. The best advice is to make sure there's a proper planning with the photographer on where and what result would want. Always add cushion between the ceremony and reception since we have to consider the commute time. It's always great to shoot the couple on a different location such as park or beach.
Its the final part of the day. Everyone is excited to have fun, eat and dance. Couple's usually spend a lot of time and money having the right place, food, cake, decorations and the Dj. Filgraphix takes time on capturing all the details from the cake to the center piece. In addition making sure to capture the emotions during the speeches and first dance are very important.
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