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HPS E-Newsletter mar/apr 2021 - MIDDLE SECTION

Learning needs to be engaging, personalized, collaborative, student-centered, and intrinsically motivating for students as they pursue topics that are of real interest to them. When learning environments include all students as contributors, co-collaborators and change agents, students begin to develop a sense of self-worth. Students’ voice, choice, and agency are central pillars through which deep learning rests. Technology can also be used for communication, collaboration, innovation, creativity and in turn action. Design thinking promotes empathizing with a problem, defining the problem, ideating possible solutions, creating a prototype; and in the end, putting it to the test and repeating the cycle, till desired and effective solutions are achieved. This enables humanity and technology to come together.

Ms Ainee Shehzad- Principal

Back To School - Assembly

Certificate Distribution

Session on Creative Writing

Creative Writing brings innovation and imagination to the forefront. It develops creative thoughts, alternative ideas, problem solving abilities and logical skills. Keeping in mind the core importance of creative writing, the HPS Library Team organized an exciting session on Tuesday 9, 2021 for its students

Neda Mulji conducted a wonderful session on creative writing. She is working with OUP as Senior Manager, Professional Development. She writes regularly for Dawn Newspaper and has recently authored a book on parenting. The session on Creative Writing was a fun learning experience for students of classes 6,7 and 8.

Entry Test 2021 -MS

Writing Skills - PBL Activity

The students of Class 6-O ,who attended the creative writing workshop organized by OUP , voluntarily became the trainers and trained their peers and guided them the strategies to improve their writing skills.

The students participated enthusiastically and shared their stories with the rest of the class.

The students of grade 6 were given a task of Narrative Writing to carry out as their Project Based Learning (PBL-Activity). The students were divided into groups of four and five and there were six to seven groups altogether. The topic of the narrative was to be of their own choice (by the mutual consent of the team members).

The session was very lively as each team went on to explain their thrilling storylines with colorful Power Point Presentations and their live actions. Also, their presentations were followed by questions which were answered by the audience. Overall, it was a great attempt!

Pi- Day Celebration

Pi day is an international day celebrated on 14th of March every year around the globe. Like every year, this day has been celebrated by the Habibians of the Middle section with full zeal and zest.

Teachers organized different contests in the classrooms and students took an active part in the celebration by making interesting projects, giving informational presentations and by exchanging their thoughts on Pi day.

Such healthy competitions are carried out to provide learning opportunities for the students in an interesting and fun way.

Students designed posters regarding Pi-Day

Pakistan Resolution day

At Habib Public School (Middle Section), Pakistan Day was celebrated in high spirits on 22nd March 2021. The day was started with a special assembly presentation where students participated in singing national songs, delivered motivational speeches both in English and Urdu, and poems highlighting the importance of the day.

Also, Students expressed their feelings by designing beautiful posters on the significance of the day. An online Quiz was also conducted in which students participated enthusiastically.

Young talented singing stars Muhammad Nehal and Ali Abbas of Grade VI-P singing National Song on the eve of Pakistan Day.

Maarij Ahmed of Grade VII delivering speech on the Pakistan Resolution

Earth Day

Earth Day 2021 is the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day. Global Celebrations will include activities such as the Great Global CleanUp, Citizen Science, Advocacy, Education, and art. This year's theme for Earth Day 2021 is "Restore our Earth". COVID-19 has shifted the global emphasis to Digital Mobilizations. Individual activities such as plantation, education, and cleanups are encouraged where conditions permit. Amid the recent outbreak, you are encouraged to rise up but to do so safely and responsibly. It's time to reimagine what we can individually and collectively do for our global environment with activities and events.

Middle schoolers prepared beautiful digital posters to signify the importance of our beloved Mother Earth and its resources being the only living planet.

Science - PBL Activity

The activity-based technique involves learners exploring, experimenting, and learning. It inculcates problem-solving, and independent investigation skills. Students of grade VII performed an activity to explore the phenomenon of air resistance in which they designed a model, investigated its effectiveness, recorded and compared the results with their class fellows.

Assessment For Learning

AFL in Urdu -

The Urdu team has done an amazing gaming activity with the students of Grade 6 and 7 on the

Students took great interest in attempting synonyms, idioms, singular plural, and others. A great experience of learning with fun.

Kar-Muqabla Contest

Islamiyat Activities

Intellectual Habibians

Thespian Act

Water Scarcity is the major issue which is rising very rapidly in Pakistan . Habibian Kanwar Fahad is showcasing water filtration technique which is cost effective and can be done to convert dirty water into useable condition after boiling.

DIY-Compost Activity

Homemade compost helps reduce the waste produced by your home, keeps organic material out of landfills, and it's free. This does not mean bagged compost is harmful or bad for your garden; in fact, it is a great amendment if you are unable to build your own compost pile. But, if you have the choice, homemade is better. This activity not only motivates students to Go green. It also motivates them to sort their waste at their homes.

Composting is a process that works to speed up the natural decay of organic material by providing the ideal conditions for detritus-eating

Tectonic plates are part of the earth's lithosphere. The lithosphere is the outer shell of the planet. However, instead of a solid outer shell, the lithosphere is broken into smaller pieces. These pieces resemble a broken eggshell and are known as tectonic plates. This activity lets students manipulate tectonic plates and witness how pressure can cause plates to move apart from each other because of plate movement.

Thespian act is selectively planned by the teachers to reinforce the knowledge of discussed history lessons and made students more empowered through these performances that knowledge not only belongs to the facilitators, they can learn these skills from their peers through little research of their characters. These little Habibians had made this interactive learning strategy by adding color through their expressions and dialogue delivery.

The historian has to grapple with facts and their interpretation which plays an active role in construction of History. Young Habibian sharing historical events with his fellows.

Oratory Session

Here at HPS, we significantly emphasize on the verbal skills of our youth in equivalence with any other character-building quality. Our students have been working quite high spiritedly to enhance their soft skills and to establish a substantial set of jargon. We have always been proud and supportive of the efforts that our little learners have put in learning. Their constant pursuit to elevate themselves and remain determined to their goals would definitely take them places!
