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March 2021 @BVNLibrary We were delighted to finally welcome everyone back at the same time! The frigid temps of february were over and we motored through the month. Read on to learn more!

AVID Mock Interviews

Librarians served as job creators while AVID 10 students applied for jobs and attended interviews. Librarians recorded all interviews so students could see how they appeared while being interviewed for a job by the librarians. The students did great, looked professional, and received valuable feedback about their skills.

AP Lit Research Papers

Students in AP Lit completed their research and submitted their notecards after learning to use PowerPoint as a note-taking tool. With the research and notes completed, students could see the end of the paper and felt like their hard work had really paid off.

ELA 10

Students in Mrs. Worthington's ELA 10 class created Pecha Kucha presentations about their own metaphorical trenches which allowed them to connect their own lives to the class novel "All Quiet on the Western Front". Since this novel is traditionally very difficult for students to relate to, librarians and the classroom teacher worked together to create a workable project that helped students draw inferences. The students recorded their presentations and created some very memorable and powerful work from this experience.

While students worked so hard researching in so many classes this month, Terri and Abby received notification that our students really are amazing researchers and incredibly hard workers. BVN Library was the top user of Gale Databases in a 4 state region!

The Mustang Medallion Hunt

Mr. Ollig came up with a fun idea to welcome students back to school after spring break. He worked with the librarians to plan and create the 1st ever Mustang Medallion Hunt. After 3D printing a medallion, creating clues, and securing prizes, students spent the week after Spring Break scouring the BVN campus for a medallion. The amazing winner found the medallion in 2 days and received a $100 Amazon card, a $25 Stampede gift card, some swag and a pile of Mr. Ollig's Famous Chocolate Chip cookies!

AP Lit Papers Complete

Librarians graded the MLA portion of the AP Lit papers. Each student received personalized video feedback that helped students understand the scores and hear about what amazing work they did. In a year where it was difficult to connect, we found this process to be an extremely time consuming, yet valuable way to meet the needs of our students and provide better individual attention.

ELA 9 & ELA 11 Research

While the strain of a long year really made it feel longer, students worked hard on research assignments and gained valuable skills in finding quality information, taking notes, and citing students. These students were so tired and worked so hard as their teachers and librarians continued to provide personalized attention and encouragement through research projects in Mrs. Williams' and Mr. McCoy's classes.

Created By
abby cornelius


Created with images by pasja1000 - "the smell of the awakening closeup" • Tumisu - "job interview hiring" • StartupStockPhotos - "man write plan" • 903115 - "ww1 trench warfare" • Pexels - "treasure map navigation map" • libellule789 - "girl english dictionary"
