Principal's Message...
Kia Ora Koutou
House Music as we know it would have been tonight, but Delta has taken that event away. What it did not take away is the enthusiasm of the Leaders to use Wellness period in the last week of term to have an opportunity to present items from Houses. After discussions the decision was made to focus this occasion on fun and spirit, and not on competition and I applaud the leaders for their maturity in this space.
One thing, and it is a big thing, that Covid-19 and Delta-21 have taught us is that we have to look at different ways of doing what we do. One of the attractions to St Matthew’s is that there is a traditional approach to teaching and learning. That being said, shoes I wore 10 years ago I am wearing with my new leather skirt. So like my wardrobe- I have to make what I have in my dressing room (and spent good money on) adapt to fit what makes sense for me in today’s fashion world. Education delivery is also about that also. Shakespeare’s Othello is a great play with stunning lessons about life, but making those themes available to students today needs to come from a relevant place.That is what we are doing currently in our curriculum planning right now, so that today’s students have realistic opportunites to create appropriate pathways.
Finally I want to write about a discussion I had with my own whānau about what their Social Media could say about them if they were to make certain choices.
If you are one of those who think that every angry thought, every perceived injustice, deserves to be put on public blasts, ask yourself why? What do you accomplish by lashing out online? Do you realise that what you post says much more about you than it does about those you are attacking?
Healthy adults learn to talk to, not about, people who have upset them. I can only presume that those who think it is acceptable to call out every perceived injustice publicly are seeking attention. Mentally mature individuals process hurt and then decide on what action to take. Some forgive and move forward. Others decide to address the problem in a way that can bring about change, reform, justice, or make themselves feel better.
I hope if nothing else I have given time for thought.
Have a safe weekend
Ngā Mihi
Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori
This week students from Years 7-11 participated in the Whakataetae Reo Māori organised by Education Perfect to celebrate Te Wiki O Te Reo Māori. We ran this a House competition and some of the girls were very motivated to earn points for their House while learning and practising Te Reo.
The results are as follows:
1st Sheppard 3200 points
2nd Cooper 2062 points
3rd Batten 1715 points
4th Wake 1385 points
The students who scored the most points were:
Isabelle Lynn (Year 7, Sheppard) 1333 points
Emelia Annand (Year 9, Sheppard) 518 points
Audrey Hall (Year 8, Wake) 389 points
Isabelle answered an incredible 4354 questions. KA RAWE!
The Year 9 Taha Māori classes are busy organising events to further promote the use of Te Reo at school next week.
Our New Chaplains
We welcome the Reverend Pete Watson, Cara Brown and Sarah Nothnagel to St Matthew's as our Chaplain/RE Team. Below is a short introduction video.
Year 9 Options - Fashion
The girls handed in their portfolios and held a fundraising ice-cream sundae party. The money they raised is sent with the dresses to offset overseas freight costs.
The 'Dress A Girls Around the World' dresses will get sent after the dresses, the makers, and the recipients are blessed.
Food Bank Appeal
Thank you to all our families for their donations to the Masterton Food Bank.
Friends of St Matthew's
The Friends of St Matthew’s are steaming ahead with the Wairarapa Kitchen Tour fundraiser for St Matthews School on Sunday 31st October. For tickets email: .
• Parent Volunteers to help on the day at our beautiful homes – just a couple of hours to do a shift .
• Businesses / talent - that relates to our kitchen theme who want to promote their wares via a demonstration at one of the sites. Do you have something of interest to share and promote? Email:
School Notices
Special Leave Reminder
If your daughter needs to be absent from school for any other reason apart from illness, please follow the Special Leave process. An email needs to be sent to Mrs Gill with the dates and reason for absence during school time. Then your daughter needs to collect a Special Leave form from the office. She needs to fill this in with the subjects she will miss, ask her teachers to sign it and advise what work will be missed. This form then goes to the office where it is held, and our absence manager can record this on our student management system.
End of Year Dates
Due to the changes to NCEA exams we have had to reconsider the timing of our end of year events. There are some significant changes to absorb! Dates and times for some events are yet to be finalised.
1. Final Assembly for whole school, Wednesday 10 November 8.10am (normal school day).
2 . Last day for Years 11-13 (Study Leave), Friday 12 November. Senior College Prizegivng will take place that night at 7pm in the Rathkeale College Auditorium.
3. SMS Prizegiving, Saturday 20th November, 9am in the Rathkeale Auditorium. Leavers' Service and breakfast before this. Time to be confirmed.
4. Last day for Years 7-10, Friday 3 December.
5. Year 13 Leavers' Ball - Wednesday 15 December
Coming Up on the Calendar.......
Term Three - Week 9
Monday 20 September - Whanau Time, Junior Choir, Viva Rehearsal, Intercollegiate Speech Competition (TBC)
Tuesday 21 September - Year 12 Chapel
Wednesday 22 September - House Event Rehearsal, Orchestra
Thursday 23 September - Year 9 Chapel, House Event Rehearsal
Friday 24 September - House Event Rehearsal, Whanau Time, Student Rep BOT nominations close
Term Three - Week 10 - Spirit Week (Prefects)
Monday 27 September - Whanau Time, Junior Choir, Viva Rehearsal, Year 12 Ski Trip
Tuesday 28 September - Year 11 Chapel, MCAT (Y11 Mathematics Assessment)
Wednesday 29 September - House Event Rehearsal, Y13 Interviews 2022, Orchestra
Thursday 30 September - Year 7/8 Chapel, House Event (SMS)
Friday 1 October - Final Assembly, Effort Grade Report Six published to the portal, NZSS Cycling