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Accessible Properties ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS 1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018

Our Story

We know what a difference a good home makes. We are a social and disability housing provider committed to providing housing that meets tenants’ needs and tenancy services that support long-term successful inclusive living in a community.

A place to belong and thrive

We care about people and their right to a good life. We believe that the quality of the homes we provide should be fit for purpose, warm, dry, safe, secure and in a well-functioning community. This is fundamental to people’s wellbeing and their life chances.

Message from the Chief Executive

APNZL is an IHC Charity and a Community Housing provider with more than 60 years’ experience.

We manage more than 2,700 properties throughout New Zealand.

Over the last six years we have built more than 175 new homes in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch.

We have a significant number of homes in Tauranga following the transfer of 1,138 public housing properties from Housing New Zealand in April 2017.

A further 375 homes are based in Hamilton following the purchase of the Hamilton City Council’s older persons housing in 2016.

In addition, we provide some 1,000 residential and commercial properties throughout New Zealand to support those who provide services for persons with intellectual disabilities.

We are a trusted provider of quality homes and property services for people with disabilities, older persons and those on low incomes.

The way we operate reflects our heritage and is underpinned by a strong philosophical and cultural alignment to the IHC mission and values.

Greg Orchard - APNZL Chief Executive


The people who work for Accessible Properties care about the people they house and the difference decent housing and access to appropriate support can make to their lives.

We are focussed on achieving the best outcomes for our tenants. This goes well beyond the interests of a private landlord or property investor. For many people, we provide hope in the form of a warm, dry, secure home that creates stability for those in need to build a platform for their future.

We are committed to ensuring our tenants have a voice. This happens through the way our staff engage with tenants on day-to-day tenancy issues, create opportunities to work alongside our tenants in their communities and support our tenant leaders to create better futures for their families and communities.

We are continually looking to match our properties to best meet the needs of our existing tenants, as well as those who will live in our homes in the future. This includes using our expertise to build and modify homes for an aging population, people with disabilities and the ability to adapt to changing housing needs.

We are interested in the communities where our houses are located, our tenants and their families’ access to services, and their opportunities to be included and participate in those communities.

We aim to help our tenants feel settled in their homes and more connected with their community, while providing stable housing for the duration of their need. We will engage with our tenants, as appropriate, to ensure they are able to access support services, such as budgeting and financial assistance, employment support, mental health and disability services.

Over time, we will work to provide opportunities for our tenants to achieve housing independence and, where possible, help them move through the housing continuum.

Our Purpose

Our purpose as an organisation is to:

  • provide good quality housing (and other property) to service providers to enable them to deliver positive outcomes for people in need
  • provide good quality housing that meets people’s needs and provides them with opportunities to improve their lives and positively contribute to their community
  • assist IHC in achieving its core charitable objectives

Our Values

The values guide the way we go about delivering purpose:

  • Care – we care about people and their right to an ordinary life. We believe that the quality of the homes we provide should be fit for purpose, warm, dry, safe, secure and in a well-functioning community. This is fundamental to their wellbeing and their life chances.
  • Trust – we act with honesty and integrity.
  • Respect – we listen to our clients and apply learnings to our entire portfolio.
  • Commitment – we are committed to all our key stakeholders.

Our Strategic Objectives

The Board has set the following strategic objectives for APNZL. These objectives are used to align our operational delivery with our strategic direction through this strategic business plan by setting specific time bound targets.

  • Be the leading Community Housing provider in our chosen markets
  • Take maximum advantage of opportunities for growth in housing ownership and provision
  • Deliver excellence in property and tenancy management services
  • Ensure housing meets the needs of our target tenants
  • Ensure housing solutions enable best quality of life for occupants and provide them with opportunities for inclusion in community life
  • Seek relationships with third parties where values and purpose are aligned

A Year in Review

Tenants First

As an organisation with more than 60 years’ experience, we are experts in building and modifying homes that meet the needs of people with disabilities, including older people with mobility needs.

Our Tenancy Managers make every effort to match tenants with homes that will suit them best and, where necessary, modify homes to ensure they can live and thrive in their communities.

Over the past 12 months, we have worked to improve a significant number of IHC-owned properties to support people with intellectual disabilities to live and enjoy homes that are warm, safe and dry, and continue to meet their needs.

Similarly, having taken ownership of the Tauranga portfolio, we have been implementing a planned programme of maintenance to improve our new homes and bring them up to the standard we expect.

As an organisation, we pride ourselves on doing more to support our tenants than a typical landlord, and work to ensure tenants are connected with the community services and resources they are entitled too. We are always looking to work with other organisations to build partnerships, including sharing our knowledge and expertise to ensure better outcomes for our tenants.

In Tauranga, we joined the Social Housing Advisory Group, alongside a range of non-government organisations, to engage with local and central governments so that we could understand housing need in the area and work to increase the supply of homes. In Auckland, we are part of the Auckland Community Housing Providers’ Network, working to deliver similar outcomes for people in need there.

We have also established the Pathways Group in Tauranga, with other housing sector organisations and the Ministry of Social Development, to develop comprehensive support strategies within the community, and to support people to continue their journey along the housing continuum to live satisfying lives.

Taking Stock

We have been the proud owners of the 1,138 public housing properties in Tauranga for almost 18 months.

During the first year, our staff worked extremely hard to build relationships with our tenants, and to establish APNZL as a provider of quality homes and services for the people we support.

The results of the hard work was reflected in the feedback from our 2018 Tenants Survey, which saw almost 90 per cent of respondents say they are satisfied with the condition of their home.

Our first year has not been without its challenges, including the need for substantially more investment in the Tauranga portfolio to bring it to the standard we expect for our tenants. We have worked to understand the scope of the challenge we continue to face to in delivering our aspirations for the portfolio, however the results of our Tenant Survey show we are heading in the right direction.

We know there is always more that can be done, and at this stage we are extremely pleased with how our tenants have embraced us as a housing provider.

In Hamilton, we are celebrating two years’ ownership of 344 homes previously owned by the Hamilton City Council.

We continue to make improvements to the portfolio, such as working to provide greater communal living spaces in our unit complexes, and helping to encourage greater social engagement for residents.

We were extremely happy to see more than 90 per cent of out Hamilton tenants respond that they were happy with the services we provide as landlords.

Developments that Matter

As an organisation, we remain committed to increasing the scale and professionalism of our staff and team, as well as building skills and capability to deliver better core services to all tenants.

New Zealand is in the midst of a housing crisis, with significant demand for public housing for people in need, none more than people with disabilities – a population severely overrepresented in housing poverty statistics.

APNZL is looking to increase the supply of quality, accessible homes that meet the needs of New Zealand’s ageing population, and fulfills the Lifemark Standards for accessibility. We currently have more than 250 new homes in our development pipeline.

In Tauranga – recently named New Zealand’s most expensive city to live – we are committed to building at least 155 new homes. So far we have identified more than 100 sites in the region for development towards this goal, and we will have new homes available on the ground by the end of 2018.

In Auckland, the last year has seen the kick-start of our new development programme with five new homes now completed in the city, another 61 under construction and a further 39 currently under negotiation.

APNZL has set the aspirational target of increasing our portfolio to 5,000 homes throughout New Zealand, and we remain committed to working alongside the government to grow the number of high quality, medium density, mixed development homes.

Over the next 12 months, we will continue to access new housing opportunities, including under the government’s KiwiBuild scheme, where together there is an opportunity to provide homes for families in strong and inclusive, mixed and tenure blind communities - places where people feel they can belong and thrive.

Working Smart, Working Modern

APNZL aspires to be an organisation that is smart, efficient and modern. We want our staff to have the best technology at their fingertips and the right tools to be able to succeed at their jobs, support our tenants, and provide people a safe working space.

In the last year, APNZL has implemented a number of technological improvements to the way we work to help us achieve these goals. We have introduced new systems, such as Promapp, and made enhancements to the way we use Qube, to help us develop more efficient ways of work – meaning our Tenancy and Property Managers can spend more time helping people live satisfying lives in their communities.

In addition, we have introduced a new system to improve the way we manage incidents at work. With Risk Manager, we are able to manage incidents and take action sooner, to improve the safety of our people and the people we support.

APNZL is committed to ensuring our people are safe and healthy in our workplace.

Words from Our Tenants

Accessible Properties tenants Rodney Vincent, and Rodney & Shirley Landrebe.

The best of present of all

Three tenants will all have somewhere new to live this Christmas thanks to some quick thinking by their neighbour and quick action by their Tenancy Manager.

Shirley Landrebe was being trapped at home by her disabilities, which were increasingly restricting her movements. Her husband, Rodney Landrebe, was no longer able to help her in and out of the house and he was becoming desperate for help. Shirley’s sister, Delwyn Semenoff, miles away in Hamilton, was getting urgent calls because Shirley was either stuck inside outside.

“I have just felt helpless because I am over here,” Delwyn says.

While the couple was waiting for a more accessible unit, their neighbour had a good idea. He said a man he supported, Rodney Vincent, liked their unit and would be keen to swap.

They went to view the unit – “and it was perfect,” Delwyn says. So they contacted Tenancy Manager Judi Little and the swap was approved. “They approved it very, very quickly. It’s perfect for Christmas. It’s absolutely perfect. I feel overwhelmed.

"This will bring Shirley back to the person she is, without worrying every day about how she will get down the steps and how she will get into the shower and out of the shower."

“I am a Christian – we are all Christians. I had prayed and prayed about the move and I thought that this is such a huge answer to prayer,” Delwyn says.

Judi says Shirley was effectively housebound, and even had to be helped outside to have her photograph taken. But it had not been possible to modify their house. At the same time, Rodney needed to be closer to his caregiver and to the hospital.

She says all the tenants are “over the moon” about the house swap. “Rodney Vincent will now have his caregiver living next door. Shirley and Rodney will now have a property with level access, just two doors from the supermarket and three doors from their church.”

A home Chaedarn can fully enjoy

When Shontelle and her daughter Chaedarn were faced with moving out of their home, Accessible Properties was there to help.

Chaedarn has a disability because of complications during birth, as well as a chronic lung condition. It was important not only to find somewhere to live, but to also find somewhere that would be accessible for Chaedarn.

Shontelle worked with her ACC case manager who identified Accessible Properties as an option.

Shontelle says once a meeting was set up, everything happened very quickly. She was soon viewing an Accessible Properties home in Hamilton.

“When I saw the house it felt right immediately. The house was well set up for Chaedarn’s needs and she is able to access the entire home."

“It’s easier than any other house we’ve lived in. My daughter can enjoy every aspect of this house. In some other houses, she couldn’t even go outside.”

Another benefit Shontelle has seen is a real improvement in her daughter’s physical wellbeing.

“Chaedarn’s health has really picked up since moving into our new home. All of the windows in the house are double-glazed, and I notice this has helped to improve things with her lung condition.”

And what does Chaedarn think of the new place? “She’s loving it and is so happy.”


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