In a very short time life has changed for all of us in a dramatic way that none of us expected. A few weeks ago, we were all going to school and working on our Erasmus sustainability project "Tomorrow - The World is Full of Solutions". We were making plans for our final project meeting in Frankfurt in May and we were looking forward to see our European friends again soon. But the coronavirus changed our plans.
Now everyone has to stay at home, learn and work from home and our Erasmus meeting was postponed. The most important thing right now is solidarity, we need to stay at home to save the lives of others. Our Erasmus project is about solidarity, about belonging together in one Europe. This virus has no right to destroy our European friendships. We live in four different countries with the same disease, but each country, each school and each family is dealing with it in a different way.
So enjoy this website with a collection of texts, pictures, poems, collages and much more and find out what life under corona is like for students and teachers in Spain, Italy, France and Germany.
Life under corona - Share your experience!
Life under corona in Spain
ANDREA, 15 (Spain):
I am Andrea, an IES RAMON Y CAJAL student and Erasmus Project participant. I want to tell you how the current situation is affecting me and my family due to Covid-19 medical crisis that is affecting almost the whole world.
For the moment we try to keep on with a daily routine but with important differences. I attend online classes in the morning from Monday to Friday. Even though I found it difficult in the beginning I am getting used to it. I usually practice physical exercise with my father in the afternoon and sometimes we, the whole family, play board games.
This situation is being too long and although sometimes I find it very monotonous, I try to see it from a positive point of view. In fact, being at home is helping me to realize that I didn´t value many things we have and it also let us share more time with our families.
I really miss my friends and relatives, and even attending classes with my teachers and schoolmates as we used to!!!! I wish this situation ends as soon as possible. I hope you and your families are ok.
Together we will win (by Laura, Spain)
These are difficult times,
locked up within four walls,
without being able to enjoy the outside,
is overwhelming and suffocating,
but we must be strong,
because together we will win.
A virus is what keeps us confined,
be careful, it is very contagious, so be cautious.
Is the key to success.
You must wash your hands and gloves wear,
because the first thing is health.
Staying home is a gesture that will save humanity,
We won’t give up, together we will fight,
And together we wil win.
Life under corona in Italy
The Italians invited their partner schools to sing the song "Bella Chiao" in a virtual concert. Thus, they celebrated the national holiday Liberation Day in an international way - as liberation from the virus.
Life under corona in France
Clara, France:
Hello everybody,
For me, the quarantine is a little boring but really long.
My occupation during this quarantine: I cook, do sports, clean my room and much more.
My favorite occupation is to speak with my friends.
I hope that the quarantine stops to see my friends and go out my home but at the moment let's stay at home to save lives and our life.
Life under corona in Germany
Video by Cara and Luna (Germany):
Collage by Maxime, 14 (Germany)
Best Today (by Taranpreet, Germany)
Yes there is fear
But there does not have to be hate.
Yes there is isolation
But there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes there is panic buying
But there does not have to be meanness.
Yes there is sickness
But there does not have to be disease of the soul.
Yes there is even death
But there can always be a rebirth of love.
All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting
All over the world people are looking at their neighbors in a new light
All over the world people are waking up to a new reality
To how big we really are.
To how little control we really have.
To what really matters.
To Love.
Let us pray together.
For a better tomorrow
For the best today.
Eva (Germany):
Dear Erasmus-People, in quarantine, my day is always the same. During Easter holidays, I stood up at about eleven or twelve am. Now, I try to stay up a little earlier because I have many school duties. After getting up, I directly eat lunch. Then I do work for school, mostly alone at the PC but sometimes we also have video calls with the class. When I am finished, I watch some videos or talk to my friends on the phone. Sometimes, my parents and I watch a movie or play something together. Alternatively, I play something with my cats. I do not know if I miss school but I miss my friends and I miss normality. Good luck to all of you.
Johanna (Germany):
The life under Corona is very limited. You can´t go to school, meet your friends or you family and you also can't go shopping normally. The virus is very bad, a lot of people die or loose their jobs. Events you were looking forward don't take place. The new everyday life of most of the people is really different to the old and we don't know when it will return back to a new normal. My everyday life is also really different: it has changed negatively and positively. I really like it that I don't have to wake up so early in the morning. I can decide by myself what my day looks like. I also have a lot of time to try new things or do something which I like but don't have time normally. For example, I draw a lot currently and have time to do sport. I spend a lot of time with my sister and we have a lot of fun together. But of course, I have to do school work which is very different than at school. Sometimes it's hard to learn new things without a teacher but if I have question, I often ask my parents. Even if there are a lot of positive things without school, I wish that I can go to school soon because I miss my friends and my normal life. It's really boring without school and free time activities. Luckily the weather is good currently so I spend a lot of time outside. I play football, go for a walk or drive my bike.
Ewa, 13 (Germany):
Because of the corona virus my life has changed a bit. I spend a lot of time with my family. We often go out for a walk or cycle a bike. But I miss my friends very much. We often make phone calls, but that's different than meeting them face to face. We have got a lot of homework to do and sometimes we have conferences with the teachers. I like these conferences, because I can see my classmates and talk a bit with them. But that different too than sitting I class and talking to them face to face. I was really looking forward to summer, but it looks like we have to sit at home. I hope that the corona pandemic ends soon, so that I can go to school, meet my friends and have a great summer.
... and the teachers?
Stefania Diana, Italy:
I still remember that day when everything happened. Stay home, stay safe.
And our crowded days, full of voices, full of cries, full of hours that never ended someday, faded away.
Our houses are our space, more or less large, but our space.
You need to invent a new life.
Net is your link to external world. Your link with your students, your family, your friends. Is it an authentic way to live your life or is it a timeless life waiting for something to happen?
And then little by little, you create a new routine, but net is always the link with external world … or not?
People start sing from their balcony while doctors save lives or die while doing that.
We, the teachers, try to help our students to spend their days having an aim. The aim to continue their lives as if nothing has never happened.
But something has happened.
Our quiet lives full of useless things become little by little more and more essentials.
And we look forward doing simple things, like having a bath on a sunny day in our beautiful island.
Thanks to all the students and teachers in France, Spain, Italy and Germany who sent us their contributions and helped to make this corona-project possible. Let us stick together as one Europe. Stay healthy and take care!
Christian Buss, Germany:
Johanna Müller, Germany:
Erstellt mit Bildern von Priscilla Du Preez - "untitled image" • Jan Baborák - "The young woman has a home office." • Anshu A - "untitled image" • CDC - "This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically. A novel coronavirus, named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China in 2019. The illness caused by this virus has been named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)." • Annie Spratt - "Teenage girl homelearning homework on a macbook in the family kitchen"