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Annual Report 2020 Frederick County Public Libraries

Supporting the Community in 2020

This past year challenged everyone, but through it all, Frederick County Public Libraries was here for you. We evolved our services and programs to meet the new and changing demands of the community while still ensuring the safety of our customers and staff.

Every year the library grows and changes, and 2020 is no exception.

When our doors closed in March, our staff immediately went to work to find new ways to provide essential services and resources in a time of tremendous need. We now offer a robust schedule of virtual programs and storytimes and continue to expand our catalog of easily accessible digital resources. In addition, we provide Curbside Pickup and a new Personalized Picks service connecting customers to our physical collections.

This year has been incredibly challenging, and I am so proud of our team's work to create a modern library system that serves as a lifeline for our community. Despite the many challenges we have faced together, we are happy to share our impressive achievements with you in this annual report.

This annual report encompasses our 2020 fiscal year which ran from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The library, like everything else this year, has been impacted by COVID-19. Up until March, we were poised to meet and exceed many of our previous numbers for visits and participation. However, with our branches closed, we found innovative programs to serve our customers in a remote environment.

Fiscal Year 2020 Statistics

Julia Williams, Edward F. Fry Memorial Library with a Curbside Pickup receipt.
Henry Lebherz using the library's new Brainfuse platform.
Summer Challenge participants getting their latest books at Curbside Pickup.
Mary Mannix, Maryland Room, leading one of our many popular Maryland Room virtual programs.
Yasmin Gomez Geng, C. Burr Artz, leading our popular Spanish storytime online.
Graphic novel author Gareth Hinds shared his art and writing processes with teens through a virtual program.

Fiscal Year 2020

Fiscal Year 2020 Individual Donors and Corporate Donors

Individual Donors

Jeanne Bobochak at the Myersville Library prepares a Curbside Pickup order for 99 books!

Corporate Donors

Serving the community with nine branch locations

The Community Bookmobile is the traveling branch of FCPL. It visits towns, neighborhoods, and senior facilities that lack library service. It carries a large selection of items: adult and children's books, DVDs, audiobooks, and magazines.

Explore. Invent. Transform.

Frederick County Public Libraries Staff