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March 2019 @BVNLibrary

With Spring Break, this month flew by! Read on to see the people we helped and collaborated with!

On March 4th, 9th-11th graders received MacBook Air laptops! Delivery was pretty smooth and the library helped students and staff adjust to the 1:1 initiative. The library also continued to provide devices to seniors.

ELA 10

Students in ELA 10 finished their synthesis papers about cell phone tracking by really investigating MLA format in regards to Works Cited pages. Students used a checklist and peer review to double check formatting issues.


Students in Connections classes wrote resumés and cover letters and participated in mock interviews with library staff. Students introduced themselves, shook hands, and answered a series of questions. Students were also given feedback after the interviews.

Anatomy and Physiology

Students in Anatomy and Physiology classes worked on appropriate picture formatting and digital techniques during the cat dissection units. Group members shared pictures using Google Docs and created lab manuals of their dissection techniques.

Beta Presentation

On March 30, students in Graphic Design 2 presented their ideas for continuing to create a culture of making in the Beta and at BVN. Students addressed guiding principles, inspiration for the space, potential projects, publicity, and collaboration. Students expressed their goals of furthering a "makerspace" funded by grant money from the library and Graphic Design projects through the Blue Valley Ed Foundation. Dr. White, Dr. Merrigan, representatives from KCAI, BVEF, and BVN administration were all in attendance.


Created with images by Markus Spiske - "untitled image" • Helloquence - "untitled image" • olilynch - "cv resume job" • FotoEmotions - "skeleton human model"


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