Facings finish and support the neckline and armhole/sleeve areas.
Attach the facing backs to front at the shoulder seam.
If you haven't already staystitched your facing at the neckline, please do so now to prevent stretching from handling this area while attaching to the dress. This is accomplished by sewing a regular straight stitch inside the seam allowance (we choose 1/4" from the raw edge).
Sew a baste stitch around the armhole at 3/8" seam allowance, then clip into the seam allowance so you can evenly press it toward the wrong side of the facings as pictured below.
Finish the raw edges along the bottom edge of the facing.
We used a simple overlock stitch on a serger, but you could also press 1/4" to the wrong side and stitch, or bind the edge with some lightweight bias strips.
Sew the stay stitched neck edge of the facing to the neck edge of the dress, aligning shoulder seams.
After you stitch the facing to the dress at the neckline, press the seam allowances toward the facings, and clip the curved areas within the seam allowance.
Set your machine to an even zigzag for a flexible understitch. You can also use a straight stitch if you prefer. This stitching will only show on the inside of the garment.