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Lindsay Crawford Owner, Silver Spur Boutique

Lindsay describes herself and Silver Spur Boutique as follows: "I'm just a small town girl with a gypsy soul who loves fashion and works hard to offer a fun and unique style. Whether you are online or in store — a little bit of gypsy mixed with a tinge of western, is what you’ll find here."

Lindsay Crawford brought Silver Spur Boutique to Red Cloud during Labor day weekend in 2021. She lives in Franklin with her husband, 4 children and 1 foreign exchange student. Lindsay has worked many jobs since high school, mainly working in customer service and she’s still currently working as a part time dispatcher for Franklin County Sheriff’s office. Since Lindsay has a knack for retail, service, and fashion, opening a store was a no-brainer. The Silver Spur is Lindsay's first business venture; she is carrying items for women, men and children.

What is your favorite thing about Red Cloud?

The friendliness has just warmed me. My customers don’t want me to fail and in my short time here, many have become loyal customers. The slow small town life has always been something that appeals to me. I love going to get my lunch and everyone knows me. I just love conversing with everyone getting to know them.

You’re the Owner of Silver Spur Boutique located inside the former Stockaid Liquor Building alongside businesses owned by Brad & Andrea Frey. What made you decide to take a chance on Red Cloud?

Brad and Andrea are some of the sweetest people I have come to know and I really enjoy working alongside them. Red Cloud seemed to be busier than my town of Franklin and with more small towns surrounding it, I have been doing well. I am so thankful for the people of Red Cloud accepting this out-of-towner.

How did you come to know the Freys and decide to share retail space with them?

I had posted on Facebook that I was in need of a space as there is nothing available I’m Franklin; the Freys came to my aid! Later, I would come to find out Brad and I have worked alongside each other and have met a few times, with us both us working with law enforcement.

Red Cloud seemed to be busier than my town of Franklin and with more small towns surrounding it, I have been doing well. I am so thankful for the people of Red Cloud accepting this out-of-towner.
The view from inside Silver Spur Boutique

What are some of your favorite businesses to shop at in Red Cloud? Why?

Unfortunately with my hours I haven’t gotten to shop as much as I would like but I’d say the Hometown Market for their selection, prices and the friendliness. I also love looking around at all the great stuff at The Corner Nook!

Tell us more about the Silver Spur. What will people see and experience when they shop there?

We are a western/boho type boutique and we carry clothing and accessories for men, women, and children. I carry my things for ranchers and farmers as well as veterans who have my family’s utmost respect. Coming from a law enforcement background working with police, fire and EMTs, I also carry items to honor their services as well. We are a patriotic, faith-based business that is family oriented. Being in a small space we have given our customers the ability to make requests for certain items they’re in search of. We like to use small business vendors to fill our shelves, with many being local!

More glimpses inside Silver Spur Boutique. The business shares space with Abundant Life Honey and Andrea Frey's accounting business. Republican Valley Rentals (U-Haul) and Fat Fox's will also share the parking area around the building. A once empty liquor store will now host 5 small businesses!!

What has been the most memorable moment about your Red Cloud experience thus far?

The people are probably what have made the biggest impression. I have felt like everyone could be great friends of mine and it's such a wonderful feeling.

We are a patriotic, faith-based business that is family oriented. Being in a small space we have given our customers the ability to make requests for certain items they’re in search of. We like to use small business vendors to fill our shelves, with many being local!

If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

I am a little bit of a Marvel nerd. I would choose either shape-shifting like Mystique or I would be like Professor X who is a telepath and telekinetic!

Lindsay with her husband Joel Krause

Do you have any hobbies or interests you’d like to share?

When I'm not at one my 2 jobs I enjoy bowling, video games, board games, playing cards, and golfing.

Do you have any pets?

We have a Westie named Sophie, a poodle terrier mix named Salty, and 3 cats: Bailey, Synder and Swyper. We can’t turn animals away and they seem to know this. A neighbor abandoned Swyper when they moved and he started following my cats around until one day he got brave enough and followed them in our house. After watching him drink water for 3 minutes straight on a hot summer day we decided he was ours…then he immediately swiped a marinating steak off the counter and has since been called Swyper.

What’s the last show you binge watched? Do you have a podcast you’d like to recommend?

I don’t really binge watch anything or watch a lot of TV. I get on Hulu and watch the latest episode of my favorite shows: Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, and Bob’s Burgers. I watch TV for comedic relief and these shows are perfect for that.

What would your high school teachers or guidance counselor say about you if we asked?

I believe I was smart but not book smart...I could win Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? but ask me to solve a math question and you would have me stumped. I was a very loyal day my friend received detention for being outside the lunchroom when she wasn’t supposed to. I felt bad that she got detention and I ran outside and said I was out there too so she wouldn’t be alone in detention.

I miss our old motto “Nebraska Nice." I can find someone to help me move in a matter of minutes and I get the 2 finger wave everywhere I drive...I ran out of gas after moving to Nebraska and a local guy, just returning from military training, immediately stopped and got my car on the road in minutes.

What are you most proud of?

My children, although a handful, all have so many great qualities. My daughter Eraleigh (10), is so empathetic and such a caring person. My son Dawson (8) is so smart and athletic! Hudson (7) is my sweet tech boy--when it comes to electronics he can figure anything out. The baby Pierson (3) is so funny! He's full of personality and energy--he’s a little daddy’s boy.

Do you have a mantra or mission statement you live by?

“You can’t move forward if you're always looking back.” And, to remind myself not to judge: “Every sinner has a future and every Saint has a past.”

What historical figure or celebrity would you most like to have dinner with? Why?

I think I’d like to have dinner with Gordon Ramsay. Not only are we guaranteed a delicious meal, but he is such a genuine person with a great personality.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to relocate to rural Nebraska?

I miss our old motto “Nebraska Nice." I can find someone to help me move in a matter of minutes and I get the 2 finger wave everywhere I drive. I lived in Florida for a while and when I was 18 my car broke down on a busy road at 12am. I sat there for 2 hours while people just drove by and ignored me. I ran out of gas after moving to Nebraska and a local guy, just returning from military training, immediately stopped and got my car on the road in minutes.

What is your favorite song and/or recording artist?

I love all genres of music. Anything by Rascal Flatts and Imagine Dragons I love.

Who is your favorite writer or thinker?

My favorite writer would have to be Garth Nix; he has such an imaginative mind.

What is your dream vacation?

I want to see Ireland, Scotland or Iceland. The scenery in those places is just so beautiful.

What’s your favorite place to visit in Nebraska?

Probably my hometown Kearney. There is always something to do and it’s so family friendly. I hope to one day return there and be closer to my family and friends.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life? Explain why.

My mother. Throughout my life has always been such a strong woman, shouldering more than her fair share of burdens. She raised me to be a caring person and I love her for that. When I was around 9 a car broke down in the middle of an intersection and people just kept passing the poor guy. My mom stopped, put her hazards on, and her and I jumped out and helped push this guy to safety. She genuinely cares for others' well-being.

Lindsay with her family: Eraleigh, Pierson, husband Joel, Dawson, and Hudson


Lindsay Crawford Krause * Jarrod McCartney