Slavery Slave auction and life as a slave

Slave auction

What happened before the auction?

Preparation for the auction

Slaves will get cleaned up, sellers will rub oil or fat on the slaves skin to cover diseases, they will also put hot tars on the slaves scar.

Slave Sale,Richmond,Virginia,1861. This picture shows the overseer checking the slave.

WHat are the types of auctions?

The auction
Notice of Slave auction, Richmond, Virginia, 1823

Once in the Americas, slaves were sold, by auction, to the person that bid the most money for them. It was here that family members would find themselves split up, as a bidder may not want to buy the whole family, only the strongest, healthiest member. The slaves that were left out would be left alone with no food

Slave Auction, Richmond, Virginia, 1861.
The Scramble

Scramble is an early type of an auction, slaves were trapped in cages with fixed price. The buyers will run and choose the slave they wanted. Many slaves got seperated. Unsold and frail slaves from the auction are often sold at the scramble

This picture shows the scramble, alot of slaves and the overseers.

Life as a slave-plantation

What does slaves do in their free times?

Slaves would spend their free times repairing or making their huts, some were allowed a day of in Sunday. Many plantation owners wouldn't provide much furniture and they have to make theor own. They were often taught musical instruments.

Methodist Chapel, Nevis, British West Indies, early 19th cent.
They would...
  • Plant their own crops
  • Sometimes they were taught crafts ( blacksmith, wood work etc. )
  • Womens made clothing for themselves because the owner didn't give enough clothing for winter
  • They would also tell stories
  • Play music, dance
  • Go to church ( Not all owners are religious )
Musical Instruments, Gold Coast, late 17th Cent.

What plants are grown on the plantation?

Planters organised slaves around gang system. The toughest works are planting manuring, and cane-cutting fell to the strongest and healthies.

  • Cotton,
  • Rubber,
  • Sugar cane,
  • Tobacco,
  • Figs,
  • Rice,
  • Kapok,
  • Sisa, etc.
  • Flail - Used to thresh
  • Winnowing Basket - Gently toss the rice into the air, the air will blew the chaff away
  • Mortar and Pestle - Used to whitening
Plantation Field Laborer with tools, Trinidad, 1836

How did the owner deal with sick slaves?

Slave masters often tried to cure their ill slaves before they sent the slaves to a doctor. Planters wishing to save money relied on their own self-taught skills and the help of their wives to address the health care needs of slaves.

DiseaseS - Caused by human excretion in water
  • Typhoid
  • Diarrhoea
  • Cholera
  • Tuberculosis
  • Influenze
  • Hepatitis
  • STD



Question:Name two diseases, What is the scramble?

Task:Make a Venn diagram of slave auction and scramble

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Vivid Lorthongpanich

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