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YOUTH FOR DEMOCRACY The project Youth for Democracy was implemented by Asociatia pentru Dezvoltare Activa ADA with the support of the European Solidarity Corps Programme of the European Union.

"Youth initiatives (Key action 1.2) represented one of the key strengths of the Youth in Action programme. By supporting a group of young people to act locally, to intervene in the community's problems or to respond to a local need of the youth, the European Union saw how young people can have a sustainable impact in their communities, but also the way these types of project contribute to project team members' development.

Even though youth initiative were not included in the Erasmus+ programme after Youth in Action, though they proved their sustainability, we, ADA members, have always hoped that they would come back as one of the EU opportunities for the youth.

This thing happened in 2018, when youth initiatives were brought back as «solidarity projects» in the newest EU programme: European Solidarity Corps.

Active Development Association ADA was established after one such project, a youth initiative. Therefore, when Bianca had the idea of the Youth for Democracy project, I was happy, knowing the impact this type of project can have in the community.

Promoting participatory democracy has been a priority for ADA since its establishment, and the project team of this project became the ambassador of our mission in the community from Bacau.

I truly think the Youth for Democracy project is a success story in the education on democracy field, but, most importantly, as a solidarity project.

Youth for Democracy meant more than 1000 km traveled around Bacau county, where we met with more than 800 young people, who, we hope, understood the importance of being a responsible citizen and why democracy means being active and engaged in your community.

I am confident that the Youth for Democracy story and mission will continue not only through future activities and projects of Active Development Association, but also through the project team." - Victor Cătălin Toma, president of Active Development Association ADA

February - May 2019 | Campaign on promoting the European Elections

Between February - May 2019 we promoted the 2019's European Elections through 11 activities organized in different cities: Bacău, Comănești, Onești, Târgu Ocna, Dărmănești, Moinești, Sascut, Podu Turcului.

"Through the campaign run between February - May 2019, we aimed to inform young people from Bacau county about the electoral system and the European Elections from 26th May 2019, and to make them be more aware of the importance of voting. Within these 11 activities, held until May 26th, we approached subjects like participatory democracy, the importance of civic engagement and voting, and EU's functioning system. This year's European elections had the highest turnout, both at European level, and at national level, but also when it comes to the youth sector. We are absolutely sure that this would not have happened without the initiatives and campaigns of different NGOs, institutions or informal groups, who had the same purpose: promote participatory democracy and young people's engagement in the community." - Bianca Cristina Butacu, project's initiator & coordinator

"I think that the most important thing we can do as young people is to inform ourselves, that's why I think I really liked this activity so much. Not only was I able to learn new things, but also reinforce other ideas I've already had. It was an absolute great idea to work on small teams during the activity, cause in this way we could really discuss together and better understand the activity's purpose."- Teodora, Onești

"I'm happy I took part in the activity organized by ADA, because it was an interesting, interactive and informative one. The best part of it was making those infographics about the EU institutions. I think that is great for us, highschoolers, to participate in these kind of activities, especially on learning about the European Union we are all part of."- Andrada, Onești

"It was a super interesting activity! I learnt new things which each young person should know. I liked that we worked in teams, we interacted with each other and we were open to share our view on the European Union, but also find out new things about the opportunities and benefits we have as European citizens."- Claudia, Bacău

"The activity from the 21st May had a pretty big impact on me. The level of information given in an attractive way was real and balanced. The subject, based on the European institutions, facilitated the understanding of the activity. Therefore, it was quite easy to understand the activity and I truly think that more projects like this one should take place." - Alexandru, Bacău

"Through this activity I understood better what do the European Parliament elections mean. I understood that for young people, and not only them, must be important to vote for our future as members of the EU. Pupils and students benefit of numerous scholarships for abroad universities or highschools. Euro is a common foundation for a better stability and economic growth, people, goods, services, and capital can circulate within the EU freely. In my opinion, EU's main objectives are: maintaining the peace between the member states, respecting the democracy, freedom, and the citizens' rights, while also working on better life conditions for its citizens."- Lusia, Moinești

Youth for Democracy

"The activity was extraordinary! I met great people, who taught me important things which will help me. What I liked the most about this activity was the way we learnt things through games. I loved that we learnt about the European Parliament in a simple and interactive way."- Mihaela, Podu Turcului.

"The way through which the project and information about the European Union were presented made me pay attention and eager to get involved as much as possible in the activity. I hope to participate in more projects like this one. It would help me a lot!"- Giulia, Podu Turcului

July - August 2019 | European Parliament Simulations

During these two months, we organized five European Parliament simulations in Bacau city. Each of them focused on different topics of current European interest.

"Through the European Parliament simulations we aimed to increase young people's level of interest when it comes to current topics discussed at the European level. We want young people from Bacau county to develop their own opinions, to help them understand how EU institutions work. Most importantly, we want them to develop the feeling of being EU citizens and to own the European identity.

The objectives of the first four simulations were to introduce the participants in the European Parliament's atmosphere, to understand how the institution works, and what the MEPs and EP's committee do and work on. Through the last simulation, young people from Bacau county participated in a plenary session simulation, the climax of the Parliament's activity. They had the opportunity to be part of one political group and experience the talks and debates of a plenary session."

- Bianca-Cristina Butacu, project's initiator & coordinator.

"Through this simulations I discovered the way the European Parliament works, its structure and its decision-making process. It was an unique experience for me, because I succeeded in experimenting these activities. I even had the chance to be an European commissioner and «play» with the laws which decide EU citizens' future. If I had the chance to repeat this experience, I would do it immediately. Moreover, I want to give this opportunity to as many young people as possible."- Teodor, Onești

"In my opinion, these European Parliament simulations offered me and the other participants the chance to analyze certain European issues beyond the «We should do...». Together we looked for answers to the question «Is it possible?» and faced different opinions. In this way, we experienced hands on the difficulty in the EP's decision-making process and the many factors which influence it." - Alexandra, Bacău

October - November 2019 | participatory democracy workshops

We finished the "Youth for Democracy" project through six workshops on participatory democracy, held in Onești, Comănești, Podu Turcului, Sascut și Bacău. Through them, we wanted to promote the importance of participatory democracy and the Romanian presidential elections from November 2019.

"Youth for Democracy meant 10 months in which we organized more than 20 activities throughout Bacau county, in order to show young people that democracy is about people and that each one's action matters in building a responsible and active society. We started our mission in February, with our campaign on promoting the European Parliament elections from May 2019, in eight cities from Bacau.

We ended the project with the same objective: to stimulate young people's participation in the elections, this time in the presidential ones, and to promote participatory democracy. We are more than happy that we reached out to more than 400 participants with our participatory democracy workshop, thing that shows us that young people want to take part in activities if the have the opportunity.

Even though Youth for Democracy project is ending, the project team is still active in promoting participatory democracy and civic engagement of young people."

– Bianca Cristina Butacu, project's initiator & coordinator

"It was interesting! I liked two things the most: the World Cafe because we worked with people from my highschool that I hadn't talked before, and that we had the opportunity to learn more about the U.S.A. Moreover, Tim answered different questions regarding the U.S after the event, and we learnt fun facts about them." – Cristiana, Onești

"The entire workshop on participatory democracy was a truly unique experience for me. Victor and Bianca, together with the special guests, Timothy McKinney and Laura Gaia, shared the diversity of the democratic processes from around the European Union (Romania, Brussels, Spain), and also from the United States of America, reminding us the importance of youth participation in the society. This activity was perfect in this context, the presidential elections. Youth for Democracy project inspired me one thing: courage. I'm now convinced that even though I represent a tiny percentage of the population, I can change what is going on around me. And I'm grateful that they inspired me this!" – Larisa, Onești

"The activity made us to think better to Sascut's resources and needs. We worked together, young people with different personalities, we thought about the challenges we face every day, which include education, arts, culture, sports, volunteering, social inclusion, etc. We thought about our rights as young citizens, some of them were familiar to us, and some not. We learnt from each other, we realised that we can see major changes in Sascut in 10 years, if we work together without getting uninterested regarding our community. I think that young people are the change! I started to notice this change last year and I think that the initiative group from Sascut will leave a mark in the community for future generations. Many thanks to the organizers who created another opportunity for young people from Sascut!"– Andreea, Sascut

"The activity was wonderful! I saw young involved people with a lot of desire in them. All of us had great ideas and something to say when it comes to Sascut. The activity represented another chance to see again that it is important to get involved and do activities in my commune."– Camelia, Sascut

Created By
Bianca Butacu