Navigating The One-Way Halls
In order to ensure the safety of all Gables' students, halls have been re-designed to allow for one-way pathways. CavsTV has created several videos helloing student's navigate through the commonly used passageways.
Getting From The Main Building To The 9 Building
Getting To The Main Building From The Lejeune Parking Lot
Accessing the DEH & Math Hallways From The Bird Road Entrance
Additionally, Ricky G has created a cheat sheet for all students to utilize in which the process of entering and exiting each hall is outlined.
Students are heavily encouraged to bring the following items in order to facilitate their transition to the traditional brick and mortar schoolhouse delivery model:
Water Bottle: Most of the water fountains on campus have been retrofitted as water bottle filling stations to prevent the spread of any germs. Therefore, students are encouraged to bring their own water bottle which they could easily access without leaving the classroom.
Headphones: As most teachers will continue teaching through an electronic device even while physically present, it is important to bring headphones to avoid any echos or distractions while in class.
Umbrella: Due to the fact that our only roofed walkways on campus are currently under construction, students are encouraged to bring an umbrella for transition in-between classes on a rainy day.
Hand Sanitizer: Although all teachers have been provided hand sanitizer it is recommended that students bring a personal one, which they can utilize periodically throughout the day.