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Akidude Productions Akidude - Akira van der Meer


Baseline: Lo-Fi HipHop, Old-school Soul/ Jazz, sample based. Soul en Funk, Jazz, Moderne Jazz

  • Contact info:
  • +31(0)6 17558134
  • Vingboonsstraat 62, 1222JL Hilversum, Netherlands
  • KvK Nr.: 82606463

Akira is een negentienjarige Lo-Fi Hip Hop producer, DJ en multi-instrumentalist.

Hij haalt zijn inspiratie uit Japanse jazz, Old-school Soul/ Jazz samples, Nature Sounds en Street Culture. Akira’s beats zijn Lo Fi, vooral sample based en kunnen vergeleken worden met die van

J Dilla, Madlib, en Knxledge. Vanuit een vrije en expressieve geest werkt Akira graag samen met verschillende MC’s van Amsterdam tot Nijmegen.

Akira laat zich niet vastpinnen in categorieën, nog als mens, nog als producer.



SKILLS: Producing | Composing | Fruity loops | DJ’ing | Bass guitar | Guitar | Keyboard | Graphic Design

Music experience / Producing. Own productions / releases | Amsterdam-Hilversum | 2017 present. Ablities:Sampling Bassguitar, Guitar, keyboard, Able to record artists

Producing: Sensi seeds | Amsterdam | 2018-2019. Making beats for different advertisement video’s

Responsibilities:Producing, Contactperson, Cooperation with client, Working with deadlines

DJ-ing: Tivoli | Utrecht | 2019 – present | Sexyland NDSM | Amsterdam | 2019 – present

Responsibilities:Take care of Music, Cooperation with artists, Financial administration

MUSICIAN: Inbranders| Amsterdam | 2016 – 2018. Responsibilities and ablitiesPlaying Bass-Guitar, Cooperation with other band members, Stage experience

Education: Nederlandse Pop Academie NPAC/ producing |2018 – present | Vinseschool Amsterdam Havo | 2017 – 2018

Music Examination / MAVO| Diploma achived | 2015 – 2017 Chichester England/ Aloisius College Hilversum |Anglia International Examination – | Diploma achived | 2015


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