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clean dine dishes using particle contamination mitigation methods

Let us Introduce Ourselves First...

  • My name is Mia Lorenzo, I am 16 years old, and I am a junior enrolled at Ed W. Clark High School. I am currently living in Henderson, Nevada and I have lived there my whole life. My hobbies include tennis, violin, and video games.
  • Pleasure to meet you. I'm Jihee You, a high school junior from Henderson, Nevada. I get a bit competitive in playing board games with friends (my personal favorite is monopoly). I am currently interested in applied sciences and would like to travel to Antarctica one day.
  • My name is Sarah Kim and I currently live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I am a sophomore in West Career and Technical Academy. I became interested in science through the GATE program during elementary school. Since then, I have loved to read science books and research about different animals and topics. As a high schooler, I liked to volunteer in a clinic and research about different topics on my own.
  • Hello, my name is Mirai Molde and I am a 10th grader from Las Vegas. I love science. I specifically like science because of all the technology and how it changes today's society.
Our Mission Patch: The earth on the path symbolizes the spinoff that we will create will take place and will benefit our lives on the earth. The initials around the earth are the teammates’ name’s initials. The four stars on the rocketship are the number of members on the team and the planet, atom, bubbles, and flask represents science since we are creating a spinoff using research and science.

NASA Home & City Scavenger Hunt made us realize how much spinoff technology has taken part in our everyday life, yet it remains barely noticed.

Appreciating the NASA spinoffs - technology that has been brought down from space - we started to expedite for spinoffs ourselves, discovering 8 of them literally a foot from ourselves--we took pictures of everyday spinoffs and organized them in Adobe Sparks.

The first draft sketch of the easy-to-wash plate incorporates the basic hydrophobic nature of the mitigation technology, which can be used to create plates that food remnants does not stick to. The sketch illustrates the small-scale superhydrophobic surface keeping the water droplets in shape.

Presenting...the ambitious and lazy self-cleaning dishes! The video below will summarize our idea of particle contamination mitigation method plates. Please take a look!

Personally, washing dishes has always been a bothersome chore that creeps onto subconscious annoyance after a pleasant meal. To relieve ourselves and the environment from washing dishes, we proposed self-cleaning dishes.

If you are wondering, "Aren't self-cleaning plates already in market?" Please click the button below to confirm NASA's advantage over its competitors. Successful self-cleaning dishes haven't appeared in market yet, but NASA's self-cleaning dishes can be the first.

Thank you for reading our idea! Have a nice day.

Created By
Jihee You

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