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9 December 2021 University of Oxford Gazette, No 5333

This is the final issue of Michaelmas term. The first issue of Hilary term will be published on 13 January.

Council, Committees & Congregation

Council of the University

The following changes to regulations will come into effect on 24 December:

Congregation 18 January

Voting on changes to Congregation Regulations 2 of 2002: the conduct of business in Congregation

During the pandemic the University has made use of electronic voting for elections and the Congregation Regulations were amended to allow for this in place of postal votes. It is now proposed to make permanent the changes allowing for postal votes to be held electronically.

Register of Congregation

New members of Congregation (Durno, S A; Grecksch, K; Pérez-de la Fuente, R; Whyntie, T)

University notices

Call for nominations for Honorary Degrees and for Degrees by Diploma

Honorary degrees are conferred annually at Encaenia. Degrees by diploma are conferred on heads of state and royalty. Members of Congregation are encouraged to nominate individuals on whom such degrees might be conferred. Nominations are welcome all year round – names submitted on or before 28 January 2022 will be considered by the Honorary Degrees Committee for an honorary degree at Encaenia in 2023.

Employer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) Consultation

The EJRA policy is currently undergoing its 10-year review. Feedback received via meetings and a questionnaire will form an important element of the consultation. The questionnaire (SSO required) will be open until 15 December. Online town hall meetings will be held at 11am on 13 January and 3pm on 3 February.

Exams & Boards

(NB - these notices can only be read if you have a University of Oxford Single Sign-On account)

Viva voce examinations
Changes to Examination Regulations


All images: © Oxford University Images. Cover image: Skating on the frozen Thames at Port Meadow, Oxford, 1890