Renaissance People Digital Renaissance people shooting - andrea bigiarini histamatic series


“The Renaissance Instant Shooting”

PHOTOS BY: Andrea Bigiarini

The Photographic set is housed in the magnificent fifteenth-century building which was once home to Bianca Cappello, restructured by architect Bernardo Buontalenti and decorated with grotesque motifs by Bernardino Poccetti around 1580, the shop in today run by Giovanni Turchi, alongside his daughters Olivia and Elisa, who carries on the antiques business established by his father Giorgio and mother Niccolina Gallori in 1942. The shop specializes in ancient arms and suits of armour, in addition to a selection of furniture, paintings and sculptures, mostly of Italian provenance, spanning from the Haute Epoque to the early 1800s.

What it follows is a selection of Hipstamatic prints shot by Andrea Bigiarini with an iPad

Olivia Turchi with some Renaissance People and friends
Kaori - Japanese Classical Dancer
«Labels are for cans, not people» (Andy Warhol)

Impossible Humans is a new kind of photographic event.

The main goal of the Impossible Humans project is to focus on the single person in order to enhance uniqueness and singularity, harmoniously placing the subject in her/his own environment, following the key component of the mindset that carried the European culture from the Middle Ages to Renaissance blossoming.

In short, the idea is to portray individuals detached from mass standards, cataloguing and divisions created by social, cultural and religious identities. To place the single person in a perfectly multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environment.

Odette - 100 years old
Dario Nardella Major of Florence
Me and Dario Nardella Major of Florence
Thus, Impossible Humans revolves around the portraiture of people; their uniqueness and personalities, enhancing our awareness of being each and all humans in every respect, each with our own with flaws, passions, emotions and dreams.

During the real-world exhibitions further shooting sessions will be held, where more people will be portrayed by present photographers. Selected shots will also be added to the comprehensive Impossible Humans collection.

The end of the Impossible Humans round of events is planned for the end of 2016. The release of a special photobook will then follow, featuring a specially curated final selection of international artists and their works archived in the collection.

The Impossible Humans project aims at reviving and reinterpreting in a contemporary social key the action of Andty Warhol, who immortalised artists and celebrities who have become cultural icons.

A photography project promoted by NEM - New Era Museum, in technical partnership with Impossible Project.

All the images are copyright © 2015 Andrea Bigiarini - All rights reserved

Created By
Andrea Bigiarini


©2015 Andrea Bigiarini - All rights reserved

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