What's Happening at BCMS This Week?
- Being ELITE in our 20 Square Feet!!!
- Boys Basketball Tryouts!!!
- Being ELITE in our 20 Square Feet!!!
- Boys Basketball Tryouts!!!
- Being ELITE in our 20 Square Feet!!!
- Boys Basketball Tryouts!!!
- Being ELITE in our 20 Square Feet!!!
- BCHS JV Football AWAY vs. SEBHS @5:00!!!
- Being ELITE in our 20 Square Feet!!!
- Friday Club Day!!!
- BCHS Football AWAY vs. Bacon County @7:30 PM (Tickets: $8)
What's Happening in 8th Grade This Week???
English Language Arts
- Read 180 (Romberg/Durrence): In READ 180, we have finished Workshop 7. This week scholar pairs will complete a research project on various lost colonies. Our focus is understanding how to paraphrase, not plagiarize and to cite sources using the MLA format appropriately. In independent reading, scholars will read books on their Lexile level from the READ 180 library and complete reading logs. In APP, scholars will independently work on selected APP segments to close learning gaps and complete APP logs. Scholars should have completed a total of 2 segments, 2 novels, and 2 Ereads by October 18th.
- 8th Grade ELA (Hills): This week, we will finish up our studies on Unit 2 and begin our preparation for our town hall forum on concussions on Wednesday, November 6th.
- 9th Grade Lit & Comp (Hills/Romberg): Lit and Comp will continue Unit 2: Justice and Equality. Scholars have been loaned copies of the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) to use for the unit. Scholars will analyze myths and legends, types of figurative language, and archetypes in TKAM as well as focus on the novel’s characters and their roles in regards to the plot and theme. "Reading Check #4" for TKAM will be due on Monday, Nov. 4th. Scholars should be reading at home to complete their Reading Checks.
- 8th Grade Science (Herndon/Winkworth/Beasley, Joyner): We will be finishing up the Law of Conservation of Mass on Monday and testing on Tuesday. Starting on Wednesday, we will begin reviewing for the unit assessment over matter. Part 1 of the unit assessment will be 11/5 and part 2 will be 11/6 (3rd and 4th block) & 11/7 (5th and 6th block).
- Herndon's Tutorial: Thursday's 3:35-4:30
Social Studies:
- 8th Grade Georgia Studies (Sanchez/Styron/Beasley/Joyner): We have been busily preparing for our Unit 3 Test over the American Revolution. This week, we will finish watching the related episode from The Story of Us, play Quizizz and other online review games, and complete a digital breakout on the forming of the new nation. Our test will be this week, taken during our long block in the middle of the week. We will finish off the week with our field trip to the historic Lucas Theatre in downtown Savannah, followed by a picnic lunch in Daffin Park.
- 8th Grade Math (Meeks/Carver/Beasley/ Durrence): We will be finishing up Unit 2 with a study guide and review on Monday and Tuesday and testing on Wednesday and Thursday.
- Algebra 1 (Meeks): We will be preparing four our test on Monday and Tuesday and completing our Unit 2 assessment on Wednesday.
- Carver's Tutorial: Tuesday's 3:35-4:30
- Meeks's Tutorial: Wednesday's 3:35-4:30
Our 8th Grade Tribe:
English Language Arts
- Lexy Romberg (Read 180/9th Lit): lromberg@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Teresa Durrence (Read 180): tdurrence@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Quincy Hills (8th ELA/9th Lit): qhills@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Matthew Herndon (8th Science/Math Connections B): mherndon@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Marc Winkworth (8th Science/Creative Writing Connections B): mwinkworth@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Sunny Beasley (8th Science): sbeasley@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Robbie Joyner (8th ESS Science): rjoyner@bryan.k12.ga.us
Social Studies
- Marie Sanchez (8th Georgia Studies): msanchez@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Christopher Styron (8th Georgia Studies): cstyron@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Sunny Beasley (8th Georgia Studies): sbeasley@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Robbie Joyner (8th Grade ESS Georgia Studies): rjoyner@bryan.k12.ga.us
- April Meeks (8th Math/Algebra 1): ameeks@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Miranda Carver (8th Math): mcarver@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Theresa Durrence (8th Math): tdurrence@bryan.k12.ga.us
- Sunny Beasley (8th Math): sbeasley@bryan.k12.ga.us