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Bacteria Biology 6th grade

What are bacteria?

Bacteria are tiny little organisms that are everywhere around us.
We can't see them without a microscope because they are so small.
they are in the air,
on our skin and in our bodies,
in the ground,
Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms
they don't have a nucleus
most bacteria have cell walls similar to plant cells.
Some bacteria can "swim" around using long tails called flagella

Are bacteria dangerous?

Most bacteria aren't dangerous, but some are and can make us sick.

Pathogens can cause diseases in animals and plants. Some examples of pathogens are leprosy, food poisoning, pneumonia, tetanus, and typhoid fever.

Are bacteria all bad?

Actually most bacteria are very helpful to us. They play an important role in the planet's ecosystem as well as in human survival.

Bacteria in the soil
One type of bacteria, called decomposers, break down material from dead plants and animals. Decomposers help to create soil and get rid of dead tissue.
Rhizobium bacteria - helps to fertilize the soil with nitrogen for plants to use when growing.
Bacteria in food
they aren't really that bad and bacteria is used when making foods like yogurt, cheese, pickles, and soy sauce.
Bacteria in our bodies
A primary use of bacteria is to help us digest and breakdown our food.
Some bacteria can also help assist our immune system in protecting us from certain organisms that can make us sick.


1) How many cells do bacteria have?

a) one

b) two

c) hundreds

d) thousands

2) What are pathogens?

a) Bacteria that help us digest our food

b) Bacteria that break down material

c) Bacteria that help our immune system

d) Bacteria that can cause disease

3. All bacteria are bad for us and make us sick.



4. What kind of bacteria help to break down dead animals and plants in the soil?

a) Pathogens

b) Antibiotics

c) Nitrates

d) Decomposers

5. Bacteria is used in making which of the following foods?

a) Yogurt

b) Cheese

c) Soy sauce

d) All of the Above

6. What do we use to fight off bad bacteria that can make us sick?

a) Decomposers

b) Antibiotics

c) Aspirin

d) Pathogens


Created with images by CDC - "This illustration depicts a three-dimensional (3D), computer-generated image of a cluster of barrel-shaped, Clostridium perfringens bacteria. The artistic recreation was based upon scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imagery. See PHIL 21914, for another view of these microbes." • Jason Jarrach - "washing hand in a raised sink" • Apex 360 - "A day at the laboratory" • CHUTTERSNAP - "untitled image" • Billie - "untitled image" • David Monje - "Mars on Earth" • Drew Hays - "Scientist with a Petri dish" • National Cancer Institute - " Human colorectal cancer cells treated with a topoisomerase inhibitor and an inhibitor of the protein kinase ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related), a drug combination under study as a cancer therapy. Cell nuclei are stained blue; the chromosomal protein histone gamma-H2AX marks DNA damage in red and foci of DNA replication in green. Created by Yves Pommier, Rozenn Josse, 2014" • Paweł Czerwiński - "Falling down pattern" • CDC - "This illustration depicts a three-dimensional (3D), computer-generated image of a number of oblong-shaped, Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria. The artistic recreation was based upon scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imagery. See PHIL 21922, for another view of these microbes." • CDC - "This illustration depicted a three-dimensional (3D), computer-generated image, of a group of Gram-positive, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, bacteria. The artistic recreation was based upon scanning electron microscopic (SEM) imagery." • Jeremy Thomas - "untitled image" • Mockup Graphics - "A quality photo of green peas in a pod for your creativity" • Madison Bracaglia - "untitled image" • Michael Schiffer - "A friend of mine had to do some bacteria samples during her bachelor thesis. When i saw those i was instantly fascinated by the vast range of variation within this tiny microcosm." • BATCH by Wisconsin Hemp Scientific - "CBD oil tincture on blanket" • Green Chameleon - "Designer sketching Wireframes" • Green Chameleon - "Designer sketching Wireframes" • Green Chameleon - "Designer sketching Wireframes" • Green Chameleon - "Designer sketching Wireframes" • Green Chameleon - "Designer sketching Wireframes" • Green Chameleon - "Designer sketching Wireframes"
