This photo fairly accurately displays my cousin's personality. She enjoys the kid-like things in life, like heart lollipops, but she is also quite mature for her age, as displayed in her serious expression. The viewer may see a girl questioning the bright red heart-shaped lollipop. Her face is in the top left section while the lollipop is in the bottom left, following the lines of rule of thirds. There is also short depth of field in the photo. It can also be argued that contrast is in play with the bright red lollipop and the duller, more neutral colors of the background and my cousin and her clothes.
After the piƱata was destroyed, kids started eating some of their plunders and my cousin opened a lollipop and just stared at it. I picked up my camera and took the picture.
A little boy was asked to be interview and it is interesting to see how he contrasts from the things surrounding him. The adults are all wearing darker colors while he wears orange, a relatively light color. The adults stand more on the duller cement while he stands on the bright yellow patch of the floor. The boy is being framed by the taller adults with large cameras and equipment. It is interesting to see the rest of the world just walking by, ignoring the cameras and child. The viewer may see this or simply see a boy surrounded by adults and cameras. Framing and contrast are elements at play
My family and I were walking through a New York street fair when I noticed this scene. I pulled out my phone and had to adjust myself a little bit so the boy could be seen, then I took the picture.
I like the photo. I added it because I felt it showed life in a simple yet complicated way. I like how the buildings in the background seem to go on forever. The people are moving about their business and the police officers are making sure everyone stays safe. The viewer can see two police officers on duty. There is framing and leading lines in the photo.
My family and I were walking through a New York street fair and I saw the police officers just staring there, watching the world go round. I moved to the center of the street and took the photo.
I like the photo. It is of my friend and she looked ready to win the game. I expect the viewer to see a determined girl. There is some symmetry in the photo. She is in the center and makes the photo symmetrical.
We were at homecoming and I figured I could get some good shots so I brought my camera. My friend was standing against the fence and was looking at the game and when I walked up she turned towards me and I took the shot.
My cousin is adorable and really wanted her picture taken. The carefree look she has made me think of my own happy childhood. The viewer will see a happy child. Move up close is in play here.
I was taking pictures of my cousins and my youngest cousin wanted to be in them so she came up to me saying "Cheese." So I took lots of photos of her while she ran around and posed.
My Great Grandmother and Grandmother are conversing with looks of worry. The powerful look on each of their faces compelled me to include this photo. The viewer may see two worried older women. There are elements of Rule of Thirds.
I was taking pictures at my cousin's birthday party and turned to see my grandmothers talking. I took the picture and upon reviewing it, I saw their expressions more clearly.
I like the lightness in her eyes, the untold joke that the image portrays. The viewer will see a girl laughing at something out of the frame. The image uses the compositional element of move up close.
It was during lunch one day and my friends and I were messing around and I was just taking a bunch of pictures for fun and managed to capture this shot.
We were on our way to see a play in New York and got caught in a little bit of traffic but we were in the center of it, so I took a picture of the City that Never Sleeps. It would have been difficult to tell that it is night time, if it were not for the dark sky at the top. The viewer may see a bright, busy street. Leading lines and symmetry are at play.
When we stopped moving I pulled out my phone and took this picture.
I like the relative simplicity. The fountain encases my brother as he runs through it. The viewer will see a boy running through a Fountain. Framing is portrayed in the photo.
While walking around Central Park, my family and I stumbled upon this fountain. Because it was warm out my brother ran through it to cool off.
I like the out of this world look. She is not aware of the fact that I'm taking a photo of her. She is just thinking. I expect the viewer to see a girl looking into the distance. They would not be wrong, she is looking into a realm of her own, who's distance is unknown. The compositional element here is move up close.
We were standing in line at DisneyLand and I had my camera and was taking pictures of my family. I noticed she had a fairly serious face and took the photo.