NES Spring Semester has ended!
The spring semester of NES finally ended its 12-week program on June 4th. The full-time class consisted of students willing to pursue English-related majors, and the part-time class consisted of students from various age groups from middle-school-aged students to students in their 40’s. The graduates who attended the graduation ceremony enjoyed a dinner, worship service, and fellowship reflecting the semester. We deeply appreciate the teachers and the students who put their hearts into the program. And to those who've been praying and supporting this ministry so far!
“The teachers were so patient and helpful in improving my self-esteem as well as English abilities over the 12 weeks! Thank you so much.” -Student E
“I really appreciate all the teachers dedicated to the program and thank God for giving me such awesome opportunities.” -Student G
“I really enjoyed participating in the program with such wonderful teachers and friends of mine. The overall atmosphere of the program was very warm, welcoming, accepting, and cooperative in making studies enjoyable.” -Student B
“I was encouraged in not only English abilities but also in my walk of faith. It was an opportunity for me to build real relationships with the teachers. I learned a lot and made unforgettable memories during my time in the program.” -Student K
NES Summer Semester has ended!
The summer semester of NES was customized for students who could attend the program during particular times, and the 2-week full-time intensive class consisted of high school students. In addition, this summer semester was especially memorable for the students because we had a new English-speaking teacher from Netherlands who taught the intensive course and TOEIC preparation course.
After 5 weeks of classes, we had planned a special field trip to Ganghwa Island and Seokmo Island for the last English class and discipleship training but had to cancel it due to the increased social distancing level. We all felt very sorry about it but could thankfully make it up by hosting our Vision Seminar with two guest speakers.
The 2-week full-time intensive course was for 5 North Korean refugee high school students. The program provided the students with opportunities to not only improve their English abilities but also get advice for their future.
“In the first five weeks of the program, I was able to have a personal encounter with God that enabled me to concentrate better and have a deepened passion for learning. My listening and understanding abilities were not very strong in the beginning, but the program helped me overcome my fear of speaking in English.” -Student L.
“I felt that God was always with me in the times of sharing each other’s prayer requests during the classes.” -Student B
“I was deeply touched and moved by the teachers who did their best in teaching me. It was also enjoyable to participate in prayer and learn praise songs in English, which helped me to grow in my faith. I appreciate it.” - Student K
NES Fall Semester has started!
On September 13th, the fall semester of NES started its journey! The semester is a 12-week program from September 13th to December 3rd. New native English-speaking volunteers and other teachers took charge of 9 part-time classes and 30 1:1 online mentoring/tutoring classes with around 60 students. We pray that this new fall semester goes smoothly according to God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will for the students.
Nehemiah Kids English Club
Beginning on Oct. 15, we will start our Nehemiah Kids English Club. This club runs for three months and was developed for the kids who participated in last summer’s VBS program. We will share the gospel with them through the club, teach them about the Bible, and create a Christian community based on fun activities consisting of praise and worship and learning key Bible verses.
Prayer Requests for NES Fall Semester and Nehemiah Kids English Club
God, thank you for allowing the fall semester of Nehemiah English School (the eighth semester) to begin with the guidance of the Lord.
As the Lord said, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" (Rom 10:15), we hope to preach the gospel to them and represent Jesus' love through the lives of all teachers and volunteers who teach and serve North Korean refugee students.
We sincerely hope and pray that they’ll know the will of God who sent them here to the free Republic of Korea and will be able to experience the great blessings of the Lord. We pray that you will allow the environment and heart for the students to participate in all classes (12 weeks) until the end of the semester. We also pray that you will comfort and encourage them that they will neither give up nor stop participating.
The Nehemiah Kids English Club will begin anew. There elementary school children of North Korean refugee families worship and praise the Lord, and have time to socialize with each other. As you said,” Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6). We hope and want you to help lead the young souls of North Korean refugees to the way of the Lord.
We pray that the Lord's presence, joy, and gratitude will overflow in all classes and clubs, online or offline. Open the hearts of all children and students, and all committed, dedicated volunteers and teachers will work hard with joy and allow them to convey the gospel, truth, and love fully. Lord, who is Alpha and Omega, We sincerely pray that you fill in all the details from the beginning to the end of the fall semester of Nehemiah English School. Guide them and give them grace.