July 31, 2018
I will never leave a fallen comrade
" I will never leave a fallen comrade", these are the words that can be found in the U.S. Army's Soldier's Creed. It is part of a larger statement that represents the Army Values. These words are so important to our values as a profession of arms that they are repeated in the Warrior Ethos and the Ranger Creed.
When a young man or woman raises their right hand to defend and support the constitution of the United States of America, they do so by putting their life on the line and knowing that they might have to pay the "ultimate sacrifice". It is only through preparation and training that we build the confidence necessary in equipment, leadership, and fellow Soldiers to overcome the fear and chaos associated with combat.
The mental toughness of a Soldier or any member of the military is based on rigorous training and a steadfast belief in the Army Values. It is the respect the we have in each other as comrades in arms during difficult circumstances and the trust that we have each other's back to the point of never leaving a fallen comrade.
The knowledge that we will return home either carrying our flag or being draped in our flag sustains our fight to win mentality.
This letter is part of the Death Letter Project - North Carolina, a means to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Historic Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh, NC.
Michael Palko