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Importance of Vision Health Reading Fluency Depends on It

A child's vision provides an important source of information about the world around them. Thus, an uncorrected vision problem can interfere with a child's ability to learn and reach his/her highest potential." -Eyes ON Learning

The article below mentions how common astigmatisms are and how they affect reading fluency in children. When students are not fluent readers it causes trouble for all other aspects of learning. This is why it is important to do annual eye exams for children, especially in their early years.

In the article below it talks about how the overuse of technology can affect a child's vision. This is why my class uses technology in various ways and not for extended periods of time to help avoid vision problems.

Created By
Katrina Swanson


Created with images by David Travis - "Getting things in focus" • Jonathan Borba - "untitled image" • Adam Winger - "Looking smart a young blue eyed girl with pink glasses smiles. The books in the background slightly blurred blend the ambiance for happiness that comes from learning. #AwCreativeUT #awcreative #AdamWinger " • Lyrax Vincent - "untitled image"


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